01 April, 2009

It's Shame That Riyaale And His Government Hating The Reality!!

Written by Amiin Dahir   
Wednesday, 01 April 2009
SHAME ON YOU MR RIYAALE, MR CAWIL, MR CIRO AND THOSE WHO LEAD THE   COUNTRY!!RIYAALE, CAWIL, CIRO, And all other Goverment members. Conducting a dangerous, Failure to maintain law and order, failure to protect the rights of political parts,Deceiving the poeple and own opinion by uttering gross lies, Ignoring the over whelming public opinion of the Somaliland population against the power abuse and corruption.

We are residents of this Somaliland. Like co-passengers travelling together in a bus or train or whatever we are passing by in this Country together therefore we all are worried about its directions.

What I think is that the Somaliland is heading towards destruction. May be after Local Civil War and  everyone of us initially wanted to avert such a situation but with the passage of time we might have forget the tragidy suffered by huminility during those wars.We have to think and double check.

It's a shame that a Riyaale hating, election loser, political minority like you
seems to have no clue as to the negative role that your revered party has palyed in the Somaliland economic games over the past decade or so. Mind you, We understand where you come from, as you are a Riyaale hating realty, and reality has no impact on your political understanding. After all, a drone is just a drone, and is unlikely to spout original thought.

May be you are really apologizing for the shame of thinking that everyone in the Somaliland everyone nows the political philosophy that you bought, and that you expected a landslide victory in the coming election. May be you just think that Cawil & Ciro is hot. In either case, I can hardy imagine the shock you must have felt when you discovered that you were on the losing side of the voice of the people of Somaliland not just once, but for ever.

The first time, you probably made lots of excuses about voters not having the mental capacity, and manual dexterity required to read and properly execute a simple paper ballot. The second time, you might have sucked your thumb for comfort, as it was clear that you and your Goverment (despite the media support you always get).

Don't work yourself into a tizzy over your political failure at the election, and
don't embarass yourself by apologizing for your double failure to elect a majority of commie candiates to the Presidency, the poeple, or your party, and as a result of your failure, losing the opportunity to appoint the right candiate. That last failure must really hurt, as it will burn you for many years to come, but you really should move on in life. Think for yourself rather than repeat the nonesense,No kidding, your self esteem will never rise either you admited your failure or not.

All is not lost though, even for the loser minority that you belong to. Truth is
when it comes to pandering and buying votes for your  party through social spending. So are many African president are In Just Name Only. And so you despite the fact that you spent taxpayer money on self gain projects and to maintain your seats at the highest level in Country and the just name.

You should be proud, and not apologetic. Your Goverment toes the line on power abuse and corruption, even if you  swallow the pill of open warfare where innocent people actually dei. You still have much to celebrate and much to gain.

So, loser, you can take comfort in your deserved loss by pointing to the fact that your party ultimately won on many important issues facing the country. Corruption and spending taxpayer money to gain votes is a solid win for your side. Huge increases in domestic spending on your own entitlement programs is also a big win for your side. Lack of progress in even attempting to repair the finances of established social programs is also a win for the left.

All I have to be thankful for is that the bad guys are still being persued, that the tax policies of Somaliland poeple.

Mr. Riyaale Quit apologizing, loser. You have plenty to be thankful for like
corruption power abuse.

Amiin Dahir

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