30 October, 2011

Bashar al-Assad: I won't waste my time with Syrian opposition

Bashar al-Assad: I won't waste my time with Syrian opposition

Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, has said he will not "waste his time" talking about the body leading the opposition against him, as senior members of the group accused him of scaremongering to protect his embattled regime.

Syrian and Arab students, supporting President Bashar Assad, shout slogans during a demonstration in front of the Syrian embassy in Beirut Photo: EPA

By Andrew Gilligan, Damascus and Ruth Sherlock in Antakya, Turkey

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph, President Assad dismissed the Syrian National Council, a broad front bringing together most of his main opponents.

"I wouldn't waste my time talking about them," he said. "I don't know them. It's better to investigate whether they really represent Syrians."

He insisted that anti-government demonstrators were being paid and were motivated by money

"You have a lot of money being paid every day, a lot of money moving across the border," he said. "Part of this money actually supports our economy."

Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph, President Assad warned that foreign intervention in his country would "burn" the whole Middle East.

"Syria is the hub now in this region," he said. "It is the fault line, and if you play with the ground you will cause an earthquake … Do you want to see another Afghanistan, or tens of Afghanistans?

"Any problem in Syria will burn the whole region. If the plan is to divide Syria, that is to divide the whole region."

Opposition groups and activists accused the Syrian leader of raising false fears to deter action against his regime, which has killed at least 3,000 civilians, including 187 children, in months of street protests.

"After eight months of uprisings, why do you think this will suddenly descend to civil and then regional war?" said Nasser Ahme, a Kurdish activist member of the Sawa, or 'Together', youth movement, speaking from a hiding place in Turkey.

"He is trying to make the uprising seem threatening to the West and the Middle East," said Walat Afimeh, another member of the group.

In Damascus, where Assad's interview has been widely reported, ordinary Syrians voiced support for his views.

"Everybody's talking about it," said a café owner, Maher Omran, interviewed in the presence of a government minder. "What he said was powerful and very comforting for the Syrian people."

Despite the unpopularity of the regime in many quarters, it also enjoys some uncoerced support. Massive demonstrations in support of Assad have taken place in three Syrian cities, including the capital, over the past week. Independent observers said the participants did not appear to have been forced to attend.

The latest pro-regime rally, yesterday, saw thousands of people holding Assad posters in the central square of the southern city of Sweida.

Activists meanwhile renewed the call for a Libyan-style no-fly zone, and the equipping of the 'Syrian Free Army' (SFA) – an opposition military group composed of defecting soldiers.

However, Western diplomatic sources said that there was "no appetite" for military intervention against Syria.

Opposition figures conceded that Syria's patchwork of races and religions makes the country vulnerable to civil war. But they said it was the regime's policies which were fuelling the risk.

"If no one protects those diverse groups of civilians who are being attacked while making peaceful protests, they will arm themselves. Then we will have civil war," said an activist with close links to the SFA and the SNC.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that at least 30 members of the security forces were killed on Saturday night in two separate attacks. In the opposition stronghold of Homs, a clash between soldiers and gunmen believed to be army defectors left at least 20 troops dead and 53 wounded. Gunmen also ambushed a bus carrying security officers in the northwestern province of Idlib, killing at least 10 security agents. One attacker was also killed.

The Local Coordination Committees, another activist group, says that 343 people, including 20 children, have been killed in Syria since Oct. 16, when the Cairo-based Arab League gave Damascus a 15-day deadline to enact a ceasefire.

On the eve of that deadline, a ministerial delegation from the League was last night meeting Syria's foreign minister, Walid Muallem, in the Qatari capital, Doha, in an effort to reach what it called "serious results and an exit to the Syrian crisis."

The ministers had earlier warned Assad to stop the bloodshed and start meaningful reforms or face an international intervention, the Kuwaiti daily Al-Qabas reported.

China – a long-standing Syrian ally which recently vetoed tougher action against the regime at the UN Security Council – threw its weight behind the mediation effort. Its Middle East envoy, Wu Sike, said he had told Assad in Damascus on Thursday that his regime's deadly crackdown on dissent "cannot continue."


Syria: Assad accused of 'scare mongering' 30 Oct 2011

Assad interview: 'I live a normal life - that's why I'm popular' 30 Oct 2011

Assad: challenge Syria at your peril 29 Oct 2011

Arab League's 'urgent message' to Assad 29 Oct 2011


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