06 September, 2011

Member of the European Parliament expresses both support and concern

Member of the European Parliament expresses both support and concern

On Saturday 3rd September 2011 Dr Charles Tannock MEP – European Conservatives, Reformists group foreign affairs spokesman as well as human rights activist met with the President Siilanyo. Dr Tannock was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and has been a long standing friend of Somaliland. During the private meeting with the President the two men discussed Dr Tannock's recent meeting with the Ethiopian Prime Minister.The Member of European Parliament pledged his continued support for the Somaliland's recognition by the international community.
During what was an extremely cordiale meeting the MEP is believed have spoken candidly and raised certain concerns in regard to the proposed tri-partite deal concerning the strategic port of Berbera involving China, Ethiopia and Somaliland. Whilst not questioning Somaliland's right to do business with those its sees fit, he made clear that all the signs were that China whilst be happy to engage in a strictly commercial arrangement would be extremely reluctant to acknowledge and endorse Somaliland's sovereignty.
Tannock mentioned the fact that other nations such as Japan, South Korea and possibly India had expressed interest in investing in the port, yet it would appear that such possibilities had not been explored fully. Arrangements concerning Berbera and other infrastructure development projects continue to generate continued discussion, with a number of analysts wondering why so little has been heard of the French company Bolloré Africa Logistics which won a tender contract to the Port of Berbera in the latter part of 2010.
President Siilanyo welcomed Dr Tannock's visit and thanked him for his continued support for Somaliland's cause

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