06 April, 2009



All Somalilanders, There is turns of work to be done this year and we will have the pride and joy to do it.It will be a great task to over come but we will accomplish our goal in the end.The goal is justice complete and perfect justice from the Somaliland poeple court houses.There is work to be done . We have to together with the GOVERNMENT make up every perfect justified law that is to be written and followed by the Somaliland police and Suprim court.The police and Suprem court can not make up lies and mock trials about the Somaliland people anymore because we are going to make up perfect safe secure laws that are written numbers for perfect and complete Justice.

To have a good perfect laws that will be for the people and respect the people and help the people and laws people will have fun with and love and want and need to have to live happily and nicely in their everyday lives.Laws are to be kind and courteous and respectful and nice and caring for the safety of the people of the Somaliland. It is the laws of the world for the government to give back to the people to take care of the people of to make them secure in the persons places and things.It is the rules of the law to take care of the people be good to the people and make the people not need and fight for freedom because the Goverment are lieing about offenses to steel from the people and making it impossible for the people to live and survive in the new world so the people think that to survive from the American police and court houses they fight for freedom.

Is it live free or die because the rules the Somaliland police lie about will kill people or is it live free or the police die?So we have a new world a new state and a new country we do not want criminals free Like RIYAALE, CAWIL, And CIRO because someone didn't get justice so people fought for freedom. To them justice was freedom because they say in the declaration of independence they made it up so freedom was justice so criminals went free because the fight for freedom.We do not want free criminals .We are afraid of criminals being free and we see what they dowing now. One of the worlds worst fears coming true is criminals being free lake our country.

People have to fear criminals because they did a violent crime or a robbing crime aginst the people in society.Criminals are bad and guilty.They are very scary that is why they can not be even in the public they have to be in jail because they are bad people and no one wants them to be around them because they are afraid of what they will do that is why we don't want freedom we want justice.We don't really need freedom we really need justice.We want Somaliland and the our poeple to be a safe place to live we want guilty bad criminals in jail.So the good innocent people are free and safe.People wont fight for freedom if they are not getting justice from Somaliland Goverment.Freedom and power abuse is way to dangerous and people will not survive it either.

Why are the Somaliland Goverment and Houses of Guurti doing this to the poeple why wont they Just Simply give people justice? Give people perfect justice. Save the nation from real criminals.We want the rigth government we need the good government to take care of society's and make the economy just be good people.We need the government to tell people how to be good people.If people are told how to be good and told they are good when they are good they will be good..In a free society no one is telling them to be good so there is even more bad ideas for people to pursue.With a real good government and real perfect Court House and Police telling the people to be good and showing the people how to be good they will be good and they have good things to do like go to a job they love going to and doing the government provided.

People in society can have ful good lives and still be good.They can get a job that best fits their lives and do work they want to do all day and enjoy doing that is very productive for society. Why do we have to go through this over and over from the "Somaliland" government we want justice.We want to like the government we want to trust the government and that means trusting the Police and the Goverment rulings and punishments for every case every time everyday.Trusting they will tell the truth the hole truth and nothing but the truth that they will never make up pretend offenses and have mock trials that we will be secure in our persons places and things and that we will all have a fair trial from the Somalliland Police and SuprimCourt Houses.

Will they Please understand how important it is to give people real justice and care about the lost life they are bring upon the world with mock trials and good law? Will they please just give people real truth as justice for the people best interests for everyone for peace on earth please?We will make them if we have to for new world safety.That is what we must do we must work on we must watch the government of the Somaliland.

We have to make sure we are not undermined by our own police for rigth of the people in made up offenses and mock trials we have to make sure every offense is true and real to make sure everyone is getting justice and a fair court hearing and perfect punishment that is really perfect and fits the crime every time everyday for everyone for our country peace from the Somaliland people.Stop wars and death and fighting The Goverment and the political partys has to come to a compromise conclusion that the Goverment have to give the Somaliland people justice.They have to its over we have had enough of this struggle for justice and righteousness called war on freedom.

Mr. RIYAALE You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, democrcy or any civilized value. You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilized men and women.

Amiin Dahir

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