03 April, 2009

Independence of Somaliland: Good or Bad for Somalia?

Independence of Somaliland: Good or Bad for Somalia?
By Hassan Farah
Somaliland bashing has recent been the game of a few self-exiled elements whose main objective is to derail the progress of the people of Somaliland. These individuals are using Wardheernews.com as their mouthpiece for cheap propaganda against Somaliland. The same individuals tried and successfully corrupted the now defunct ISRAAC organization for their personal interests. However, most Somaliand supporters choose to ignore this group simply because for Somaliland and its people the time for Fadhi Ku dirir is over. For them it is time for democratization, despite all the setbacks, and economic reconstruction. Furthermore, the more Somaliland makes progress, the more this group gets desperate. For instance, Abdalla Hirad, someone well known for his Somaliland bashing, wrote an article in Hiiraan.online on which he claims as follows and I quote:

"The concern about the position of "Somaliland" in the mix of things, at this juncture, if at all, should be minimal and should be shoved to the back bench. It is true that there are some governments who are sympathetic towards the position of "Somaliland". "Somaliland" will, however, cease to exist if a popular uprising erupts in the North, any way, which is about the only good thing that the "Islamists" can bring about, short of a disaster to Somalia."

As you can sense from his writing, Mr. Hirad is so desperate that he believes Al Shabab is the only force that can stop Somaliland's progress. According to his hate-mongering argument, it would be beneficial to Somalia if the deadly terrorists of Al-Shabab take over the control of peaceful Somaliland. The only thing that Al Shabab brought to Somalia is nothing but death and destruction. Therefore, Somaliland is better off without Al Shabab. Moreover, the current leaders of Al Shabab have fled from Somaliland as they could not get there a fertile ground to propagate their deviant ideology. The people of Somaliland have numerous times derailed their attempt to destabilize the democratization process.
In addition, this group led by, Abdalla Hirad and Faysal Roble, use Al Shabab threat of suicide bombing to blackmail international community's impending recognition of Somaliland. One of their press release states and I quote:

"The religious/nationalist backlash to this conspiracy against Somalia would eclipse the nation-wide opposition to the Ethiopian occupation. The recent Al-Shabaab suicide bombings in Somaliland are a harbinger of what is to come. This folly would only radicalise the Somalis and present Al-Shabaab a God-sent opportunity to galvanise its Jihaad against what it sees as the enemy of Somalia and Islam. It would be assured of immediate and limitless adherents and followers to its cause. Better not play with fire in Somalia less an unintended conflagration engulfs the Horn along ethnic and religious lines. And beyond the region, the rest of Africa is equally vulnerable to the Pandora Box that would open pursuant to Somaliland's recognition. Every dissident region or clan in Africa would follow Somaliland's example. It is for this reason that the African Union is deadly against secession. Honourable Minister, David Miliband, would do well to reflect on these dire consequences and not allow himself carried away by that old colonial instinct of divide and rule."
NSUM Executive Committee (03 March 2009)

Somaliland and its people are determined to develop their country. No threat from terrorists of Al Shabab and its supporters will stop them from their journey to democratization and economic liberalization. However, contrary to what detractors have to say, Somaliland's progress is not a threat to the existence of Somalia. Rather, an internationally recognized Somaliland will contribute to the security of the region by helping fellow Somalis in the Italian Somalia to reconcile with themselves. Moreover, fellow Somalis are always welcome to live in Somaliland as many of them have already moved there after recent wars in Mogadishu. If tiny Jibouti could organize a platform for Somalia's politicians to negotiate, what do you expect from a recognized Somaliland? I firmly believe that Somaliland has the key to help resolve political problems in the Italian-Somalia provided Somaliland is a recognized country first. Unless Somaliland is recognized, it cannot risk its political stability by meddling in the internal affairs of Italian Somalia.

In conclusion, most Somalis may not like Somaliland to gain international recognition but sincerely appreciate the progress that people of Somaliland have made for the last decade or so. The Somaliland haters are indeed very few individuals who had long been the beneficiary of the regime of Siad Barre but cannot let go the lost glory and privilege. They blame Somaliland people for masterminding the destruction of that evil regime which singlehandedly dismantled the Somali people's unity, solidarity and sense of nationhood.

Hassan Farah,
Rochester, MN

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