04 January, 2009

Final communiqué of General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Final communiqué of the expanded extraordinary meeting of the executive committee at the level of Foreign Ministers on the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza

Date: 03/01/2009 - View in: Arabic French

(3 JANUARY 2009)

The Expanded Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the Executive Committee meeting on 3 January 2009, corresponding to 6 Muharram 1430H at the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;

Recalling the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and pursuant to the Organization's resolutions on the Cause of Palestine and Al Quds Al Shareef;

Recognizing the resilience of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli aggression, and affirming support for their just struggle to regain their inalienable national rights, including their right of self-determination and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine, with Al Quds Al Shareef as its capital, and their right to a just resolution of the issue of Palestinian refugees on the basis of General Assembly resolution 194 (1948) and other relevant UN resolutions;

Reaffirming that the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, encompassing the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including Al Quds Al Shareef, constitute a single geographical unit;

Asserting that the ongoing brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip which has claimed hundreds of civilian victims, including children, women and the elderly, is a flagrant violation of international law and of the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War;

Recalling that Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip and the severance of fuel, food and medicine supplies constitute collective punishment of the Palestinian civilians resulting in grave humanitarian consequences, a war crime and a blatant breach of international law;

Commending the efforts of the Secretary General and his endeavors to stop the Israeli aggression, addressing its consequences and providing humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in Gaza;

Having considered the report of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the Israeli aggression and listened to the Head of the Palestinian Delegation and the interventions of Honourable Ministers and Heads of Delegation;

1. Strongly condemns the ongoing barbaric Israeli assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza, which has claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, injured thousands, and caused colossal destruction of homes, civilian facilities, infrastructure and places of worship as a blatant violation of international law and war crimes and crimes against humanity, and calls for bringing the culprits to international justice.
2. Requests the international community to act immediately to end the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, to secure an immediate ceasefire, return to calm, and cessation of all hostilities to provide immediate protection for the Palestinian people, and to compel Israel, the occupying power, to lift its oppressive blockade on the Gaza Strip and to open the crossings.
3. Decides to undertake the necessary efforts in coordination with other international and regional organizations including the League of Arab States concerning the immediate convening of the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution compelling Israel to immediately stop its aggression, to lift the embargo and to provide international protection for the Palestinian people.
4. Expresses dismay over the inability of the UN Security Council to take the necessary steps for a ceasefire and demands the Council to fulfill its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security without further delay by deciding on and enforcing an immediate and unconditional comprehensive ceasefire and lifting the embargo. In the event of failure by the United Nations Security Council to act immediately, the meeting calls on all OIC Member States to support the call for convening a meeting of the General Assembly under "Uniting for Peace", in cooperation with other Member States of the United Nations.
5. Calls for the stationing of an international monitoring mission in the Gaza Strip, following the cessation of hostilities, preferably under the UN umbrella, to de-escalate the conflict and stabilize the situation.
6. Requests the Group of Ambassadors of OIC Member States in Geneva to finalize its effort to convene an emergency session of the Human Rights Council on the violation of human rights caused by the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and urges the Council to constitute an international fact finding mission to investigate Israel's violations of human rights.
7. Calls on the Palestinian factions to end their differences and the state of divisions, and immediately resume national dialogue to ensure Palestinian national unity, serve the higher interests of the Palestinian people and strengthen their ability to continue their just struggle to regain their fundamental national rights, and calls on the Secretary General to continue his efforts to achieve Palestinian national reconciliation, and welcomes the reconciliation efforts sponsored by Egypt.
8. Expresses its appreciation for the humanitarian assistance provided by Member States since the beginning of the Israeli aggression, urges all Member States to provide assistance, and requests the Secretary General to keep up his work with Member States, the Islamic Development Bank and private financial institutions to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza, and reemphasize its support to the Palestinian National Authority and its legal institutions to address the consequences of the Israeli aggression and assist its efforts to reconstruct the damage caused by the Israeli aggression and occupation, and decides to sponsor a donors conference for this purpose.
9. Requests the General Secretariat to coordinate relief efforts with civil society organizations in Member States to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people with a view to mitigating the anguish caused by the Israeli aggression.
10. Welcomes the opening of the Rafah crossing by Egypt for humanitarian purposes, and took note of its assurances of readiness to work with concerned parties to allow opening of the crossing continuously in accordance with the agreements of November 2005 to realize the interests of the Palestinian people.
11. Mandates the Secretary General to coordinate with the chairs of the Islamic Summit Conference, the Council of Foreign Ministers and Palestine in order to contact influential international stakeholders and the United Nations with a view to ending Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip and resolving the attendant humanitarian crisis.

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