30 October, 2011

Somalis still live in hope: photographer

Somalis still live in hope: photographer

Tehran Times

TEHRAN -- Despite all the calamities happening in Somalia, life is going on in the country and people still hope for a better life, photographer Mohammadreza Qanbari said on the sidelines of his exhibition.

Qanbari visited the Somali refugee camps in the neighboring countries over the past few months and took photos of the famine-wracked people of Somalia.

Photos are on display during an exhibit at the Gallery 2 of the Iranian Photographers Center from October 29 to November 9.

He said that he has travelled Somalia at his own expense without any financial support. The Iranian Photographers Center has helped him in holding the showcase.

“If my photos impressed one of the visitors, then I think I achieved my goal,” he said adding that the exhibit will raise fund for Somalis.
Radio anchor Mehran Dusti who visited the exhibition praised Qanbari’s courage for going on such a trip.

“Not only did he take photos of the Somalis’ starvation and thirst, but also the presence of hope in life among the nation,” he said.
“People are alive in Qanbari’s frame. His frames are arranged professionally as well as intuitively,” he added.

Somali charge d’affair in Tehran Khalifa Moussa also paid a visit to the exhibition and said that the photos depict a “true picture of Somalia.”

“The child who drinks muddy water to relieve his thirst is a true picture of Somalis,” he added.
He said that nobody likes to live in a situation like the Somalis live in these days; these people endure calamities but continue living.

“The Somalia Embassy in Tehran provides facilities to collect humanitarian aid from Iranians,” he claimed.

The Iranian Photographers Center is located on Somayyeh St., off Hafez Ave



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