01 September, 2011

Sony launches tablets with a difference

Sony launches tablets with a difference
Sony S and P tablets
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The Sony S tablet, left, alongside the dual-screen Sony P tablet. Photo: Getty

At Europe's largest electronics show, where everyone from Sony to Samsung makes their most important announcements, Sony has finally begun a battle with Apple. The Japanese electronics giant has launched its first two tablet computers and has made a convincing case that they may well stand a chance against Apple's all conquering iPad.

The company has an uphill battle on its hands, however: the new 'S' and 'P' models – one a 9.4" tablet and the other featuring two screens that fold together – are entering a crowded market whose sum total has been called 'little more than a rounding error' when compared to iPad sales.

Add to that Apple's vigorous defence of its technology in the courts: Samsung's rival Galaxy Tab has briefly been banned from sale in Europe and has seen its launchdelayed in Australia, while also suffering in American courts. Many analysts have argued that there is no tablet market, there's just an iPad market.

Sony, however, is taking a different approach. To get an idea of how willing the company is to be radical, just take one look at the wearable 3D visor it has also announced at IFA in Berlin. And the S tablet especially is finally seeking to answer the question that has dogged – but not held back – Apple's iPad: "What do I need one for?" Many users have continued to see tablet computers as lovely fashion accessories, which are great for browsing the web on the sofa, reading books and magazines on the move and playing the odd game, but they don't do much that is not available elsewhere.

Sony, instead, is keen to use its devices to either replace others or to tie together the existing mess of other bits of electronic kit that many users already have at home. The tactic, at least, sets the company apart from its main rivals. Even the folding, two-screen P design is appealingly different.

So the S offers two key features: with a built in infrared transmitter, it can replace any remote control. And where previously Sony would have limited that feature to just Sony TVs, now it works with any manufacturer. Where Apple locks people in to its products, with iPods and iPhones demanding iTunes, Sony is pointedly saying that it is more open.

The other key feature is Sony's aim to make sense of the increasing mess of digital music and videos that many users have on different computers and hard drives on their home network. Using the standard WiFi 'DLNA' approach, which is built-in to thousands of devices, Sony will scan a network for stored media and for devices on which to play it back. That means the tablet becomes a key interface, allowing you to 'throw' music or films to any hifi or TV that's online.

Analyst Ben Wood, of CCS Insight, says he thinks all tablets that aren't iPads are a "tough sell", citing the recent withdrawal of HP from the market. And, like HP, Sony is to sell its devices at the same prices as Apple. It's a brave move, reflecting how costly tablets are to make. It remains to be seen whether Sony can make even a dent on the iPad figures – but they've certainly set a new benchmark.


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