06 September, 2011

Libya: Rebel Leaders Believe Gadhafi Has Escaped

Libya: Rebel Leaders Believe Gadhafi Has Escaped

by Sarah

Rebel leaders believe that the Muammar Gadhafi may have escaped Libya by heading south through the desert borders while negotiations over Bani Walid and Sirte were taking place.  Libyans believe that “last week’s flurry of audio messages and unconfirmed sightings of Gaddafi and his sons may have been a smokescreen to allow his escape.” According to Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani, the peace talks, that were aimed at convincing the surrender of loyalist strongholds, may have also resulted in a delaying tactic for Gadhafi.
Additionally, reports have also leaked that during the transitional phase in Egypt, the Supreme Council of the Armed Froces (SCAF) wanted to play a role in Libya’s reconstruction.  SCAF suggested that the armed forces should either be directly or indirectly involved in the reconstruction process.  The reason for SCAF’s intentions of being involved in Libya’s transition is due to the number of Egyptian workers in Libya, which is expected to rise once the political transition begins.


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