06 September, 2011

9/11: HQ where bin Laden plotted atrocities

9/11: HQ where bin Laden plotted atrocities
CIA could have seized al-Qaeda leader from his Afghanistan farm but chance was spurned and 9/11 plans took shape, writes Ben Farmer in Kandahar

Bombed out remains of Tarnak Farm, near Kandahar, which was one of Osama bin Laden's houses in Afghanistan from 1997 to 2001. Photo: BEN FARMER

By Ben Farmer, Kandahar

The walled Tarnak farm, sitting on a stark desert plain on the edge of Kandahar airfield, is all but deserted and the only life is a police guard post in one corner.

Yet a decade ago officials at Washington’s highest levels spent days poring over photographs of these same buildings trying to decipher every move of their main resident — Osama bin Laden.

The farm was watched for four years — scrutinised and mapped in a story of missed chances that ended in tragedy on September 11 2001.
Tarnak now has a new agricultural research station built nearby with millions of dollars of aid money that Western officials declare is a hopeful sign for Afghanistan’s future.

The bombed-out Soviet-era compound where bin Laden lived holds reminders of Afghanistan’s violent past and present, however.


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Tarnak farm was Osama bin Laden’s main Afghan residence during much of the late 1990s.

From there he oversaw al-Qaeda’s plot to fly hijacked airliners into the World Trade Centre and Pentagon in an attack that killed more than 2,500 people.

The area is still unsafe. When The Daily Telegraph visited Tarnak in an American military convoy, militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade that glanced off one vehicle’s turret and detonated 40 yards away.

The turret gunner escaped with splinters of glass embedded in his face and concussion.
Visitors to the farm are warned not to try the scaling wall where trainee jihadists once clambered. The previous time American soldiers had visited, it had been booby-trapped with an anti-personnel mine.

Nearby is a barbed wire frame and the cut-off metal stumps of monkey bars where apprentice fighters once crawled and swung for physical training.

Bin Laden was already well known to the CIA when he arrived at Tarnak with a wife and his entourage as a guest of the Taliban.

He had yet to approve the September 11 operation but American intelligence officers had become increasingly concerned over his links to terrorists planning to attack the US.
A bin Laden tracking unit had been set up a year previously and plans to seize him were discussed.

Tarnak’s collection of 80-odd sheds, mud huts and offices provided a perfect base for the Saudi extremist when he arrived in May 1997.
From there he toured his other camps across Afghanistan as he trained thousands of fighters to help his Taliban hosts or wage jihad around the world.

But Tarnak also provided an opportunity for the CIA to spy on him.

Reawakening Afghan contacts from the anti-Soviet resistance, the bin Laden unit meticulously mapped out Tarnak to find where bin Laden slept and it planned a raid to capture him.

The plan was refined and rehearsed from late 1997 to 1998 until it was decided that a raiding party of about 30 armed tribesmen would subdue the guards and seize the al-Qaeda leader as he slept.
They would hand him to another group who would transfer their captive to a desert landing strip where a waiting CIA plane would fly him to the Middle East.

However, after months of debate, senior CIA managers decided not to go ahead because of fears that the tribesmen were not up to the task and innocent civilians would be killed.
Unknown to them they would have no better chance to seize him until more than 10 years later when he was finally cornered at his compound in Pakistan.
The United States government commission into the September 11 attacks later concluded: “No capture plan before 9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation.

“The tribals’ reported readiness to act diminished. And bin Laden’s security precautions and defences became more elaborate and formidable.”

Al-Qaeda struck in August 1998, killing 12 Americans and 200 others in bombings at two US embassies in East Africa.
The bin Laden unit continued to suggest opportunities to capture or kill their target while growing frustrated at the lack of authorisation from senior ranks worried about civilian deaths.
Michael Scheuer, who led the unit at the time, told The Daily Telegraph earlier this year that it had at least eight further opportunities to kill bin Laden, several around Kandahar, in the following months.

“I’m not saying it would have been simple to take care of the problem, but it got progressively harder when we didn’t take those opportunities. One 50 cent round could have put us all out of our agony,” he said.

Another opportunity presented itself in mid-2000 when the CIA and Pentagon ran a joint mission to fly unmanned Predator drones over bin Laden’s camps looking for him. The first flight over Tarnak saw a tall figure in white robes surrounded by bodyguards who was identified as bin Laden.

Officials again debated a strike. Analysts tried to calculate which buildings would collapse and how many civilians would die in a missile attack.

The plan was shelved again. In the end it was only after September 11 that Tarnak was targeted in the US campaign to drive out the Taliban. By then bin Laden was long gone.
Andrew Haviland, the senior State Department official in southern Afghanistan, said: “Working to bring peace and stability to the part of Afghanistan where the Taliban took root and al-Qaeda hatched plans for 9/11 is a great responsibility that is full of risks and challenges.

Not all of our efforts are received in the same positive spirit they are given. Nonetheless, the signs of progress we see every day give us hope.”


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