11 August, 2009

Rotterdam: Controversial politician to head Muslim party

Rotterdam: Controversial politician to head Muslim party

The Dutch Muslim Party (NMP) wants to win over a number of Rotterdam council seats in the elections next year.  The controversial district councillor Bouchra Ismaili will represent the party in Rotterdam.

"The NMP must offer in Rotterdam a response to all the negative stories about Islam," says Ismaili.  "A lot has happened regarding Islam recently.  People are attacked and it's time they stand up and defend themselves."

She is very busy with setting up the Rotterdam branch of the NMP.  "I'm looking now for people who want to nominate themselves."   The party will participate in four other Dutch cities in the next elections.

Ismaili (31) caused a scandal in 2008 as a district councillor for the PvdA (Labor Party).  She signed a petition for the Muslim organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, with phrases such as "It's time to rid ourselves of a culture which damages Islam."  Additionally she wrote hate-email.  The PvdA fraction in the Charlois district dropped her and Ismaili continued as a one-man fraction.  Ismaili, popular in her neighborhood of Carnisse, refused to apologize.

According to Henny Kreeft, political leader of NMP, Ismaili is, despite her past history, "extremely suitable to spread the message."  He says the issue had been exceptionally exaggerated.  He is sure he'll get 2-3 seats in Rotterdam.

Four years ago the Muslim party also participated in the Rotterdam elections, but did not get into the council.

Source: AD (Dutch)

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