11 August, 2009

An open letter to the international Community- Somaliland donors

An open letter to the international Community- Somaliland donors

Again we found our selves warning and appealing the world to save Somaliland from her own government, just like (SNM) we warned the world against Siyad Barre's Regime of what they were doing with their own people. Although methods, means and policies of the said regimes were/ are different, the end was / is the same. They caused / causing civil wars, destruction, demolition and misery even though one was worse than the other in severity, quantitatively! Riyaale and gang set their feet on the same road, an evil road! Ironically they were part of the genocidal regime of Siad Barre!! 

The flock leading by Riyaale and Awil are working over time in creating clan conflicts to fume inter-clan wars in the country, so that elections would never happen! They already did it in "Ceelbardaale" incident! They unwisely, indecently expelled enter peace organization from the country the said organization was helping for the upcoming elections for an obvious reasons!  

Only the people- (elders, Religious people like Sh. Seera,) in their godly effort, put off the fire at least for now!

The Riyaale so-called Government beats the drum of war sentiments through the public Radio, TV, and Newspapers.

They barred from the Opposition to use these public media outlets! They want to keep an uninformed people uninformed!

They imprisoned the journalist!

They shut down the private media outlets! And now they include the international community in their enemy list and call them all kinds of names! Mindlessly so! 

If Riyaale and Awil's way goes through, Somaliland will become like Somalia with all the packages of warlords, religious fanaticism, sea pirates and endless civil wars where humanity severs! And that is what they are up to! And that is what we don't want to happenAnd that is why we are calling the international community for help.

The thugs must be stopped before it is too late for every one, the local and the international communities alike! 

The man Somaliland endured so long for the sake of peace and stability, for so long- is a guy his character and behavior is like that of 'Don John'. A felon who always does evil things in Shakespeare's play of  "Much a do about nothing"   

Shakespeare, best described the (Riyaale) guy's ingratitude, {being a Kat vendor, in the streets of Hargeisa, made president- wrongly for sure} in his play "As you like it-11, 7'" 

" Below, below, thou winter wind,

Thou are not so unkind

As man's ingratitude:

They tooth is not so keen,

Because thou are not seen,

Although thy breath, be rude. 

The character, which Somaliland made him president and you are about to meet him, is further and best described in the "Quraan." 

As Daher Riyaale'character is likened to that of 'Don John, the felon who always looked for evil things to do, Mr. Riyaale is also likened to"Waleed ibn Mugira" described in the Quran. In  "Alqualam ch.29, V, 10,11,12" by the author 

Allah said, " Obey not every mean swearer  [it is only liars who swear on all occasions, smaller or great because the ordinary word is not believed in. the true man's word, according to the proverb, is as good as his bond.]  A slanderer, going about with calumnies habitually hindering all good, transgressing beyond bounds, deep in sin, with all that…………." 

Somaliland people endured all these humiliations and betrayal for the peace and stability of their country!  They could cause change the way Riyaale is provoking to, unlike them the people and the opposition wants to cause change through the ballot and not by the bullet. Through the process of democracy and peaceful means and not through violence 

Mr. Riyaale (allegedly) bought properties in UAE, Egypt, and some western countries. His moneyman Mr. Awil bought property in Kenya

Mr. Riyaale already moved his family to France, a matter of fact. He and his family posses Djibouti diplomatic passports, as widely reported. 

Mr. Riyaale defied almost every article of the constitution, rolled over the national opposition parties, and corrupted the National Elections Committee to useless! 

He now attacks through the public media (he owned) not only the houses of congress, not only the opposition parts, not only the independent media, but also the donor countries and the humanitarian organizations national and the international ones! 

This felon, this evildoer, this conflict creator, this guy who has metamorphosed to warlord,ought to be stopped with the help of the international communities. He wants to start clan wars and that is what we don't want! 'Somalia-zation' of Somaliland is what Riyaale and gang want, their actions in this regard are obvious, but that is what we the local and the international communities must confront and stop. One Somalia is more than enough in the region, may I add.

The international front


International community must exert pressure on the moral less warmongers, Riyaale and his Moneyman Mr.Awil and the rest of Riyaale's Ministers by: 

a) Not dealing with them as representatives of Somaliland. [Indeed they are not!]

b) Denying them visas to travel to where they hid the (public-stolen) money

c) Freezing all the (stolen) assets and Bank accounts in foreign institutions any where

d) Giving hand and work with the people through their representatives and the civil societies and the progressive forces. ("UFSS" an umbrella organization yet to be formulated) The united front for the salvation of Somaliland, which consists all the political organizations including UDUB for change, ought to save Somaliland, which in fact is saving the region as a whole from wars and extremism in conjunction with the international community!


The guy lost any moral and legal authority to govern and to call him self a president of Somaliland, therefore he has to be confronted with the facts that the world is watching him, creating instability in the region, is not acceptable, he must be told!  

Mr. Riyaale and his money man-at times called his brain, Mr. Awil are setting Somaliland for "Al shabab" take-over, whether they understand the consequences and the dimension of what they are doing or not! That is what will happen if we don't draw a line in the sand!

The twins of demon are agents of destabilization not only to Somaliland but also to the region as a whole.

However peace 

PS:  the author wrote many articles about Somaliland current political situation, lately and published in Somaliland web sites like: Somaliland Centre, Somaliland news, Somaliland .org,longlivesomaliland.com, Somaliland future and others

You may also get copies of the said articles from the mentioned web sites or from the author directly. 

Ibrahim Mead

Three times international observer in Somaliland elections

Director of conflict Resolution and reconciliation org.

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