04 January, 2009

Gaza massacre - Emergency Protests

Protest against the invasion of Gaza

Sunday 4 January 2pm outside the Israeli Embassy, Kensington High Street

Nearest tube: Kensington High Street

For reports on national demonstration on 3 January click here. For reports on protests across the world on Sunday 28 December click here.

See the BBC News report of the protest at the Israeli Embassy on 29 December here.

Join the protests and take action to stop the massacre in Gaza!

PSC would like to thank the thousands of people who came have come out to demonstrate in London and across the UK, to call for an end to the killing and an end to the siege of the people of Gaza.

Please join the protests and demonstrations over the next few days

Vigil every day 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester.
Vigil to be held every night until Israel's criminal attacks cease.

Sunday 4th January 11am in Bedford town centre outside M&S

Protest on Sunday 4 January at 1.30 - assemble in Preston Flagmarket

*** Action alert ***

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:

• An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
• An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
• An end to Israel's violations of international law
• An end to Israeli occupation


Please use the sample letter below:

January 2009


As you know the people of Gaza are being bombarded by a devastating onslaught from Israeli F16s, tanks and warships.

Nearly 400 people have been killed in three days and while we deplore the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel this can in no way justify the systematic slaughter being conducted by Israel on a captive unarmed civilian population.

This slaughter follows almost two years of blockade which has prevented essential supplies of food, fuel and medicines from reaching the Palestinian people in Gaza and causing untold suffering.

I believe that the people of Britain are horrified by the current situation and would like to ask that you request the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, to say exactly what measures the government is taking to ensure an immediate end to the military attacks on Gaza and an immediate end to the siege as the first step in ensuring that international law is upheld in relation to the rights of the Palestinian people.

I would also like you to press the Foreign Secretary to take steps to ensure that the favourable status of Israel in the EU, including the EU trade agreement is removed immediately since it is a country which is violating international law and I do not wish my taxes to contribute to the economy of such a state.

Yours sincerely,

Boycott Israeli Goods - Join the protests – Take Action Now!



The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) aims to raise public awareness about the occupation of Palestine and the struggle of the Palestinian people. PSC seek to bring pressure on both the British and Israeli government to bring their policies in line with international law. PSC is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from communities across the UK. Join PSC today!
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Web: www.palestinecampaign.org


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