08 December, 2008

Is there Justice in Guantanamo Cuba?

Cuba says five men decided to confess on November 4, the day Barack Obama was elected to US presidencyImage reviewed by U.S. Military, shows "Camp Justice" sign near high-security courtroom in Guantanamo Cuba, 08 Dec 2008A US military judge at the detention center in C, Cuba, says the five men accused of plotting the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have asked to plead guilty.

Judge Stephen Henley Monday read a note from the defendants, including alleged September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, asking for "an immediate hearing session to announce our confessions."The judge then individually questioned the five defendants, who are representing themselves, to confirm they wanted to withdraw all pending motions and enter guilty pleas. They said they decided to confess on November 4, the day Barack Obama was elected to the presidency. Mr. Obama has said he wants to close the controversial Guantanamo facility after taking office next month and try the detainees in regular US civilian or military courts instead of the special tribunal.

Mastermind Mohammed previously wanted to be executed Mohammed has previously told the court he wants to be executed so he can become a martyr.The accused are appearing before army Colonel Stephen Henley, who was assigned to the case after the original judge, Ralph Kohlmann, stepped down. Kohlmann said he would not be able to preside over the trial because it would probably still be going on at the time of his planned retirement in April.Monday's hearing was attended by family members of five victims of the attacks. They were chosen by the Pentagon from more than 100 applicants. They sit in a viewing gallery at the back of the court, separated from the defendants, whom they will not be allowed to address.


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