08 December, 2008

Eid al-Adha - Celebration of Sacrifice

Eid al-Adha - Celebration of Sacrifice

Eid al-Adha is the Celebration of Sacrifice or Slaughter which is to celebrate the Sacrifice made by the Prophet Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice his own son.

Ka'aba in the Great Mosque at Mecca

It was with a heavy heart that Abraham agreed to do so but was ready to show his commitment and loyalty to his Lord.

Abraham's son, Ishmael, also recognised the importance of God's commandment and was happy to participate. Abraham drew his knife to slaughter his son but just as the knife drew near, God intervened and Abraham's child was replaced by a sheep.

Abraham was happy and relieved when he saw that his son was safe. God had asked him to sacrifice his son to test his faith and when Abraham proved that he was willing to do it, God did not need him to commit the slaughter of his own son, whom Abraham dearly loved.

The celebration of Eid al-Adha commemorates this event as Muslims all over the world sacrifice an animal during this Eid. This sacrifice is known as Qurbani.

A Muslim who performs or pays for a Qurbani to be performed shares the meat amongst fellow Muslims in three portions. One third is for the poor, one third for family and friends and the last third for his own household.


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