01 September, 2011

Syrian official resigns over crackdown - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Syrian official resigns over crackdown - Middle East - Al Jazeera English: "An attorney general in the central Syrian city has resigned from his post, in protest of what he called repression exercised by the Syrian regime.

Adnan al-Bakkour, speaking in a video footage posted on the internet on Wednesday, claimed to have witnessed over 70 executions and hundreds of civilians tortured while held in custody at Hama central prison last July.

Al-Bakkour said that he had been exposed to over 420 victims in mass graves by security forces, the arrests of peaceful protesters, the torture of prisoners by security services, and the demolition of homes.

In an interview with al Jazeera, al-Bakkour denied the regime's claim that he was kidnapped by 'armed gangs'. He went on to say that he was in a safe place defended by protesters.

His video release came on the same day security forces made further arrests in the city of Houle, about 12 miles from Homs, where the authorities sparked anger as they returned the bodies of 13 people arrested in early August."

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