04 September, 2011

Cameroon: Meet some 2011 presidential aspirants

Cameroon: Meet some 2011 presidential aspirants

  1. Walter Wilson Nana, AfricaNews reporter in Buea, Cameroon
    So far more than twenty Cameroonian political and civil society actors have indicated their intention to run for the country's top job, the president of the republic. As Cameroonians look forward to the 2011 Presidential Poll, due October, the aspirants have also been making public what they will do for the country, but some observers hold that the presidential aspirants are not proposing issues, which are realistic.
    Paul Biya
    Earlier in 2011, the president of the Progressive Movement, PM, Jean Jacques Ekindi told the press in Bertoua, the chief town of the Eastern Region of Cameroon that his presidential campaign is focussed on moral probity, institutional reforms and job creation. To him, these are the primary issues plaguing the Cameroonian society today.

    However, Ekindi’s tongue and tone had a new twist recently, when he declared that he was ready to join the Biya government if he is invited. “Our society will not evolve positively, if some of us continue to be seen and treated as slaves,” he argued.

    Enoh Meyomesse, the chair of the National Renaissance Party, NRP, has opted out from a political system he calls “Communal Liberalism”.

    On her part, the President of the Dynamic of the Liberal Conquering of Cameroon’s Indomitable, DLCC, Lamartine Tchana, whose party came to the limelight on March 8 2011, told the press on July 1 2011 in Yaounde that she has come to put up a ferocious fight against physical and moral violence suffered by women.

    Lamartine Tchana
    Lamartine Tchana

    April 26 2011, Henri Hogbe Nlend, of the Hogbe Nlend faction of UPC and former Minister of Scientific Research announced his intention to run for the 2011 Presidential election in Cameroon. This is the third time he is putting in his candidature, without any concrete proposals, according to some observers of the Cameroonian political scene.

    Hogbe Nlend’s arch-rival in the UPC party, Augustin Frédéric Kodock of the Kodock faction of the UPC Party, on Saturday, April 30 2011, four days after Hogbe Nlend, also declared his candidature for the 2011 Presidential Poll. The ailing Kodock, Secretary General of his faction of the UPC and former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, was, recently, ordered out of Cameroon for treatment in South Africa by incumbent President Biya.

    Augustin Frederic Kodock
    Augustin Frederic Kodock

    “Cameroun génération 2011: c’est le moment, nous devons nous y engager” is the book and manifesto of Prof. Vincent Sosthène Fouda Essomba, Independent Candidate, that has been banned for launch in Cameroon. The 200-page book recounts the story of Cameroon’s political, economic and social evolution that has been thwarted for more than three decades by the governing CPDM party.

    Still with his slogan, “Cameroon Ecology, Yes”, a message which has not changed, for the twelfth year of his party’s existence, the Ecologist, Fritz Pierre Ngoh, chair of the Cameroon Movement for Ecologists, CME, says “The dream they have always had and will continue to share, is feasible.”

    Banking on his four principal ideologies, of; reconciling the nation, ensuring republican solidarity, modernising the nation and making the people joyous , Samuel Billong is dreaming to make a change of politic and politics based on the aforementioned principles and more. This is his campaign message since he officially launched his Movement for Reformation, MR, on June 28 2011.

    The economist and former General Manager of the state-owned company, National Investment Corporation, NIC, Esther Dang, has in her handbag the wish to do away with underdevelopment in Cameroon if made a tenant at the Unity Palace by Cameroonians in the upcoming Presidential election.

    Esther Dang
    Esther Dang

    According to Dang, she will employ an inter-developmental approach of simultaneously engaging economic and social activities within a given time frame. Some observers have described her presidential project as “well put but utopian in character.”

    Hilaire Kamga in his 270-page book and presidential agenda for Cameroon entitled “Cameroun, l’Offre Orange pour l’alternance au Pouvoir: La nouvelle génération s’engage” and his Union of African Party, UAP, offer on paper an exciting three-year transition programme, whereby the author and presidential aspirant says it will be to put back the country on the rails, while looking forward to build on his achievements and elaborate on other development-oriented projects.

    With her Cameroon People’s Party, CPP, Edith Kabbang Walla, politically known as Kah Walla, is hoping to, if voted by Cameroonians in the 2011 Presidential Poll to revisit, in a systematic manner, the Cameroonian educational system, the health sector, the cultural patrimony, security and the social fabric for the interest of the masses. She notes that her presidential programme is pegged on three axes.

    After having been out of Cameroon for thirteen years, Louis Tobie Mbida, son of the first Prime Minister of former French Cameroon, André Marie Mbida, is back to his fatherland to contribute in Cameroon’s quest for a democratic society.
    The chair of the Cameroonian Party of Democrats, CPD, has been criticising the Biya-regime for stagnating Cameroon’s politico-economic and social growth for the past 28 years.

    While inviting Cameroonians to stop being afraid of guns, soldiers and magistrates, Tobie Mbida’s presidential message for Cameroonians is that it is their fundamental right to stand up in a collegiate manner and build their country. “The Present government in Cameroon has failed to provide even basic needs to the people,” he told the press recently.

    Hon. Paul Ayah Abine with his People Action Party, PAP, his book and presidential programmes entitled “My Vision of a Born-Again Cameroon” is a take on Cameroon’s socio-political impasse while also re-kindling hope amongst its desolate citizenry.

    Paul Ayah Abine
    Paul Ayah Abine

    According to Ayah, if he is given the opportunity and a vote of confidence by Cameroonians come October 2011, he will go beyond words to actualise what he has stood for over the years, despite the insurmountable blocks put up by the structures of sin that have dehumanised, discredited and taken the citizens hostage.

    Barrister Bernard Muna of the APF is a transformational leader through his human rights work in Cameroon and in the World. Muna, determined to unseat Mr. Biya after 28 years of dictatorial rule in Cameroon argues that; “Change is not about Bernard Muna.

    It is about the people of Cameroon; the "buyam-selam", the jobless, the truck pushers, the taxi drivers, the laborers, the farmers, the underprivileged and those who live one day at a time including the intellectual community.
    Cameroon will be a vibrant democracy under a transitional Government headed by Bernard Muna.”

    As Cameroonians look forward to the announcement of the date of the 2011 Presidential Election, the sitting President Paul Biya is not yet an aspirant, as the congress of his party, Cameroon People Democratic Movement, CPDM, is yet to hold and designate a candidate for their party for the upcoming election. This is according to their party statutes.

    Same atmosphere reigns within the front-line opposition party in Cameroon, the Social Democratic Front, SDF, chaired by the founding President, Ni John Fru Ndi. The SDF is yet to organise their convention and pick an individual who will be their Presidential candidate for October 2011 Presidential Poll in Cameroon.


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