01 February, 2009

Somaliland Security Police are focusing on the checking of Surf cars

If Somaliland Security Police are focusing on the checking of Surf cars, are the suicide bombers fools to use the same tactic with same equipment?
Surf carrying explosive devices are the scariest stories at the Hargeisa tea spots.
As usual for hargeisians to gather during evening hours in and around the Tea Shops.

Drinking like Coffee and Tea as well as sharing news headlines of the day circulated in the city by the news papers, Radios and Television channels. This is common tradition for Hargeisa residents, they laugh, comment and share information. Well what has been very common and headline in these places are the recent terror attacks took place in hargeisa on 29/10. What has been coming to my ears so often is that"gaadhi surf ah iyo wadaad gadhwayn" that has been the identification sign for whom are alleged of being responsible of the terror, as the Somaliland Government releases an official allegation on Alshabab Terror Network.So many Surf owners are being humiliated by "sheekhow gaadhiga surf-ta ah badal gadhkana xiir" Surf is a land cruiser look alike type of the Vehicle which carried the explosive devices weighted 120 kg, investigation results of HALLO TRUST.

If you are driving Surf car, than you are going to be stopped so many check points in the city. The Security Police and Traffic Police in Hargeisa are paying their 100% attention to Surf cars. Hargeisa main roads were familiar with traffic jams due to the increase of the cars being exported from Dubai with low prices allowing almost everyone in Hargeisa to own a car. The roads are the size of 1960`s road plan. This has caused during the rush hours roads to become almost blocked. The increase of tensions caused by the recent bombings in Presidential Palace, UNDP Head Quarters and Ethiopian Embassy in Hargeisa has automatically increased the Security and Check point alerts. Mostly security forces carry on their checking during night hours and they are experiencing so many sleepless nights. If you are driving a surf car in night hours and you missed to notice that there is a check point ahead of you, you may get your tires flat.

Gone are the days when you could drive round the clock in Hargeisa. If you got late at the down town or went for your friends wedding, you are likely to walk away your car at a security checkpoint and go home walking. This is the alert level of Somaliland Security Police in Hargeisa.Let me come down to the point of this article. If Somaliland Security Police are focusing on the checking of Surf cars, are the suicide bombers dumb to use the same tactic with same equipment?
Come on, my Somaliland fellows we need to think far beyond of our enemies. Their common sense will not even give them to use a car again. It's over, that chapter is closed. We have been taught that lesson and teachers will not lose their precious time for a revision, well understood. We need to turn the page, and see what other chapters can be taught to us.

To name some of the tactics suicide bombers can implement is: wearing belts chained with explosive devices, wearing jackets filled with explosive devices and etc. we should not only keep an eye on Surf cars, but we need to open our eyes wide and be smarter than those boys trained and brain-washed by Alshabab.One more thing has to be known by the Security Forces: a bullet will not stop a suicide bomber. Bullets are used for to stop someone who wants not to die. A suicide bomber has already made his decision and convinced to die. So alerting and keeping all the Security forces ready and stand-by will not be the best policy to fight against terror. We need to implement strategic policy to fight against the ideology of terror.

This is an ideology installed and programmed in the minds of innocent young school students between 15 to 25 years of age. It's a bacteria infecting anyone regardless of tribe. We need to stand against the ideology. This ideology gets implemented from our very close schools. It grows very fast without notice. I personally believe there are so many people infected and victimized by these bacteria. Our close family relative could be the followers, the believers of this ideology.

May be next day it could be in your own house, your roommate. Well, men, women, elders, school children we all need to stand together and pay attention to what is happening around our houses, neighbors, schools, Hotels and etc.Finally, My Somaliland fellows we need to strengthen our Somaliland Intelligence Agencies so that they can be ahead of the Terrorists. They need our help; they can do their job only with our cooperation.Written by:Suhail Ibrahim Madar
ICT Expert

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