09 February, 2012

Hague seeks local input for Somali solution

Hague seeks local input for Somali solution

British Foreign Secretary William Hague will meet members of the Somali diaspora in Cape Town next week to seek input into an international conference his government is hosting in London later this month on how to solve the chronic Somalia problem.

It is understood that Hague will meet his SA counterpart, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, visit British aid projects in and around Cape Town and deliver a lecture on Britain’s Africa policy. He will then travel to Botswana.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has recently taken an interest in the Somali crisis, inspired by attacks on British nationals by Somalis.Cameron will host the conference, including about 40 countries and international organisations, in Somalia on February 23 “to pull together international effort” to try to resolve the Somali crisis.

The Independent


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