24 December, 2011

Somalia: Government Soldier Murders a Civilian in Mogadishu

Somalia: Government Soldier Murders a Civilian in Mogadishu

Mogadishu — One of Somali government soldiers on Friday shot and killed an innocent civilian man in Mogadishu's Karan district, especially Jabuti village, witnesses said.

The solider was said to have opened fire on the man while he was at the village of Jabuti of Karan district, where TFG police forces have been conducting a security operation. Witnesses added that the soldier was among government forces during the crackdown on criminal elements among residents at the village, according to officials.

Residents confirmed to Shabelle media that the TFG soldier suspected the young boy to be Al-shabab sympathizers.

Soldiers were accused by locals of targeting local teenagers in the village of Jabuti in Mogadishu's Karan district during their crackdown.

No statement about the killing of the civilian was immediately available from the the officials of Transitional Federal Government TFG of somalia so far.

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