26 December, 2011

Obama announces emergency aid for Africa famine

 Obama announces emergency aid for Africa famine

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Obama is announcing an additional $113 million in emergency aid to the Horn of Africa, where millions of people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are suffering through famine and drought. Tens of thousands have died.

By Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP

Somalis rest outside a makeshift shelter in a refugee camp in Mogadishu, Somalia, on Aug. 18. The worst drought in the Horn of Africa has sparked a severe food crisis and high malnutrition rates.

By Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP

Somalis rest outside a makeshift shelter in a refugee camp in Mogadishu, Somalia, on Aug. 18. The worst drought in the Horn of Africa has sparked a severe food crisis and high malnutrition rates.

The new emergency relief assistance will go for food, health, shelter, water and other needs. It is on top of $870 million the U.S. already has provided.

Obama said in a statement Thursday that the "heartbreaking accounts" from the region "remind us of our common humanity and the need to reach out to people in need."

 The Associated Press.


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