25 June, 2009

The killing machine Al-shabab

"Beledwyn allahow Belayada hareer mari

Beled wyn Allahayow ka dhig meel barwaaqaa

Beled weyn allahayo ka dhig beerata raaxada"(Hadrawi, Beledwayn)


by Hussein Salad
Monday, June 22, 2009


Hadrawi's beautiful supplication [above verses] for protection of Beled-weyn has to come yet,  as the atrocity is taking place in this moment in the whole country in the hands of the killing machine of Al-shabab.


Affective as they are at killing, maiming and butchering innocent Somali citizens. So they are equally far from Islam and the value's that it instills in its followers.


50 innocent lives; including children, women and elderly; were heinously slaughtered in the town ofBeled-weyn.  More than 100 people were maimed and hundreds of others have been psychologically scared for life.


A classical question is why? Why in Beled-weyn? A town home renowned for its tolerance and cosmopolitan environment.


The claimed target for the heinous crime was Colonel Cumar Hashi and Ambassador Ahmed Farah, but use of indiscriminate violence comes uncomfortably too close to the Zionist motto of "the end justifies the means". Al-Shabab or as I call Al-Shayaadiin sadistically disregarded all the obvious consequences of the barrage of explosions unleashed in the Hotel.


When one of the criminal gang leader was asked why: he bragged that they killed Allah's enemy. To correct this bewildered ignorant murderer:  Allah's enemies are those who kill innocent humans no matter of their creed.

It is abhorrent to Allah and to the mankind what you, Al-Shayaadiin and your collaborates did in Beled-weyn.


 I wonder which Verses of Quran or which Hadith they refer to when they shed innocent Muslim blood. Has another prophet after Muhammed(PBU) been sent? Or any other Quran's than the holy Quran?


The Khawarij name is now relevant in the context of theses ruthless villains.  The name of Khawarij is getting its right addressee and I, from now adhere to call these perpetrates Khawarij or Al-Shayaadiin


This is due two main reasons: in May 2009 Assembly of Somali Ulama' (clerks) gave a clear verdict that the TFG is in fact a Muslim government as the parliament approved Sharia' implementation.


For the second: the president is a Muslim and so is Somali populace.


Any group who takes arms against an Islamic government qualifies to be called Khawarij.  As those who fought against the fourth Khalifah Ali Bin Abi Talib(Karama lah wajhah) were called Khawarij.


I can not find strong enough words to condemn this barbaric action.

I am deeply hurt by this continuous senseless killing in our beloved country.  I send my condolences to all unfortunate victims and ask for Allah to forgive their sins for those who perished in Beled-weyn.


Condemn I strongly do as the whole world did to this barbaric and indiscriminate killing of innocent people. But that is not enough! We have done enough of talking in the last long 20 years.


From now on, we Somalis are obliged to unite against these mindless butchers of humanity as they boast and unjustifiably use Allah as a defender of their criminal deeds.  Let us make a united front to deal with these gangs as they are immediate threat to our nation's very existence.


The two "semi-stable" regions in North-east and North-west should not feel comfortable, as you already got your share of Al-Shayaadiin terror in Basaso and Hargeisa.


You are the next target after Mogadisho, Beledweyn. You have to actively contribute the war against the murderers.

Hussein Salad
Riyadh Saudi Arabia

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