11 September, 2008

Spain: 10,000 converts in five years

At least 10,000 Spaniards have converted to Islam in the past five years, according to Spanish Christian news agency ACPress.Spain now has 1.2 million Muslims. Though there is no official data, Muslim organization in Spain published numbers Monday, at the beginning of Ramadan.

The organizations think that in the past five years 10,000 Spaniards (3,500 in Andalusia and 3,000 In Catalonia) converted to Islam, which would bring the number of Spanish Muslims up to 25,000.The local Muslims and especially the immigrants have 11 mosques in Spain and 480 other religious centers, according to ACPress.
According to a spokesperson of the Muslim community in Seville those joining are both practicing Roman Catholics as well as other Spaniards.

Source: Reformatorisch Dagblad (Dutch)


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