25 December, 2012

Somaliland: Budget Upto US$125 Million

Somaliland: Budget Upto US$125 Million


Hargeisa-The Somaliland Finance ministry has submitted to the cabinet the 2013 budget of US$125 Million. This amount is the highest ever budget for Somaliland.

The 2013 budget sees an increase of 17% over the previous year. The Somaliland budget has increased on an annual basis, primarily, due to the government's ability to recoup revenue in terms of taxes, custom duties, and other revenue streams, whilst at the same time indicating an increase in government expenditure in terms of infrastructure, education, health, security, defence and civil service wages.

One of the main features of budget is the designation of specific funds for the introduction of rank insignia within all Somaliland forces.

The Somaliland Finance minister Abdiasis Samale will go before the Somaliland House of Representatives in order to present the 2013 budget which has been approved by the cabinet.


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