01 October, 2003


We are delighted to present Cardiff and Vale NHS
Trust's Annual Report for 2002/2003.
The Trust's role includes patient care, teaching and
research: however the provision and development
of high quality patient services provides the
motivation in all that we do. Throughout the year
we are pleased to have been able to expand patient
services, enhancing the quality of care we are able
to provide, in line with National Service
Frameworks and other clinical standards. Major
milestones include improvements in the
orthopaedic service, the opening of St David's
Hospital, the start of the Children's Hospital for
Wales and also the extensive short stay surgical
In addition, we achieved key Welsh Assembly
Government financial and performance targets.
Success against our waiting list targets is very
important, with more people being treated faster in
a range of diverse specialties. We are especially
proud of improvements in orthopaedics, where we
increased the number of operations by 36.7 per cent
(from 3,160 to 4,321), so achieving and maintaining
the 18 month waiting list target.
Our fundamental approach is one of continually
questioning how care is delivered to modernise the
service on sound principles to enable investment to
be used effectively. This is pivotal to our success in
developing services, especially with the growing
demands on the NHS. In this context, providing
safe and sustainable services is important and we
are pleased to report the continued development of
risk management mechanisms and full compliance
with the Welsh Risk Pool Standards.
FULL REPORT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK: http://www.cardiffandvale.wales.nhs.uk/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/INTERNET_HOME_PAGE/DOCUMENT_LIBRARY/ANNUAL_REPORTS/CURRENT_DOCUMENTS/ANNUAL%20REPORT%202002-2003%20ENGLISH.PDFhttp://samotalis.blogspot.com/

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