22 April, 2012

Siilaanyo's judiciary system is a political oppression tool, not peoples fair court by Y.Janaale

Siilaanyo's judiciary system is a political oppression tool, not peoples fair court by Y.Janaale

Written by Yusuf Abdilahi Janale.

Siilaanyo's judiciary system is a political oppression tool,
not peoples fair court

The courts and judicial system of Siilanyo's regime is a political
oppression tool that fulfills the desires of his rule rather than a tool
of fair justice.

Siilaanyo and his perpetrators submit verdicts before they are issued,
particularly those related to important cases for the approval of Siilanyo
which violates the courts independence and neutrality.

Lack of guarantees for lawyers performing their duties,Siilaanyo's courts
prevents lawyers from exercising their rights which constitutes a violation
of the basic guarantees for defence the court,denying defence access
to their clients files which violates the right of the latter, Silanyo judgies
render justice impossible thus lawyers and legal proffessionals
allways call with a fair judiciary and independent judgies capable of settling
cases.Siilaanyo invented these courts we call to cancel to legitimize the
persuit of the oppostion and somalilanders in large.

In short,Siilaanyo's judiciary systen and his courts is a tool the regime
uses to defend itself by issuing laws that protect it and serve its interests
while violating laws that guarantees citizen rights.

There are many temporary custody centers and interrogation bureaus
affiliated with the different securites bodies they exercise methods of
torture include beating with the hands,feet,belts,sticks,electricity wires,
hanging in painful positions accompained by beating.in addition to abusive
,inhumane treatment of political prisoners.

Siilaanyo made every effort to silence voices that opposed him.

with liberty
Yusuf Abdilahi Janale. oslo.Norway


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