05 January, 2012

The Parents and it’s right: The Parents

The Parents and it’s right: The Parents

Asalaama Calaykum Warraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu
salaantaa Islaamka ee qaaliga ah iga wada hanta,salaan ka bacdi waxa aan idiin soo tebinayaa dersigii 40 aad ee silsiladdii diiniga ahayd ee In this Universe,waxa uu maanta ku saabsan yahay Waalidka iyo Xaqiisa.
waxa aan idiin rajaynayaa guul iyo gobanimo iyo cibaado suubban.
Alle ha innaga dhigo kuwa xaqa waalidka garta oo u guta sida Alle ina faray Aamiin.
Saeed Ibrahim Hussein
The Parents and it’s right:
The Parents
The Parents are both the Mother and Father first,then those who are their Parents and their close kinships,these Parents has their right on us,you should give them a respect, and listen their words and accept their advice and their commands,then you will gain their pleasant towards you,and they surely will pray for you and supplicate Allah to give you His mercy and His help,so you should be a kind for them and do for them all favour and service they need,you try to let them happy always,and you should think about them before you manage your own needs.
Our Religion gave an important role about the Parents,and made clear their post and respect in us,and we should care them well as Islamic studies taught us,there are several times that Allah glory be to Him added the Parents after order of His worship:
وقضى ربّك ألا تعبدوا إلا إيّاه وبالوالدين إحسانًا إمّا يبلغنّ عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريمًا واخفض لهما جناح الدّلّ من الرّحمة وقل ربّ ارحمهما كما ربّياني صغيرًا(الإسراء)
Verse in Al-esra(23-24):Thy Lord has commanded that ye worship none but HIM, and that ye show kindness to parents. If one or both of them attain old age with thee, never say to them as much as ugh nor reproach them, but always address them with kindly speech.And lower them the wing of humility out of tenderness. And say, `My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me when I was a little child.’
The Islam has given the Parents special care and ordered to keep their rights,and Allah glory to Him ordered us to do favour to the Parents and provide a service to them,then there are Verses in the Quran that Allah ordered the people to worship Him alone,and not associate with Him,then after that order Allah told us to make a fovour and good service to the Parents,so through that high concerning and that position Allah gave the Parents,which is teaching us to accept all what Allah command us,and care the Parents to gain their please and the please of our Almighty Allah:
وَاعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَلا تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئاً وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَاناً ( النساء)
Verse in Annisa(36):And worship ALLAH and associate naught with HIM,and show kindness to parents;
There are many Verses showing us the position of the Parents which which our Religion has given them,and always Allah told them after His worship to make for them a favour and care them well:
قُلْ تَعَالَوْا أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَلآ تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئاً وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَاناً (الأنعام)
Verse in Al-An’aam(151):Say,`I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden,that you associate not anything as partner with HIM;and that you do good to parents.
We all know that the person who get the pleasant of the Parents and their prayer will success and gain a good fortunes,and Allah will give that person who care his Parents a hand and His help,but the one who don’t care the Parents will not succeed and will face different difficulties,as Somalian people say about that bad person,who do wrong deeds without fear and without care:Habaar waalid buu qabaa,that means he got the discontent and the anger of his Parents,then he surely will face the problem,so we all as good Believers should care the Parents and gain their pleasants,and try to let them happy towards us,and ask for us a good and mercy from Allah.
The Parents are the one who bring the Child up and train well to the different types of the lifestyle,and prepare the Child to be a good Believer and knows why he is here for,and knows that he is created only to worship Allah,all other needs is that things which help him and make easy to perfom this worship,which he is created for it.
Let’s see together how Luqman was prepared and adviced his son,to let him face this life with full understanding and the right way,which is needed to follow:
وإذ قال لقمان لابنه وهو يعظه يابنيّ لا تشرك بالله إنّ الشرك لظلم عظيم…يا بنيّ إن تك مثقال حبّة من خردل فتكن في صخرة أو في السّماوات أو في الأرض يأت بها الله إنّ الله لطيفٌ خبير يا بنيّ أقم الصّلاة وأمر بالمعروف وانه عن المنكر واصبر على ما أصابك إنّ ذالك من عزم الأمور ولا تصعر خدك للنّاس ولا تمش في الأرض مرحًا إنّ الله لا يحبُّ كلّ مختال فخور واقصد في مشيك واغضض من صوتك إنّ أنكر الأصوات لصوت الحمير(لقمان)
Verse in Luqman(13-19):And call to mind when Luqman said to his son while he admonished him.`O my dear son ! Associate not partners with ALLAH.Surely, associating partners with ALLAH is a grievous wrong….;`O my dear son,even though it be the weight of a grain of mustard seed,and even though it be in a rock,or in the heavens,or in the earth,ALLAH will,surely,bring it out.Verily,ALLAH is the knower of the most hidden secrets,and is All-Aware;`O my dear son,observe Prayer and enjoin good and forbid evil and endure patiently whatever may befall thee.Surely,this is of those matters which require high resolve;`And turn not thy cheek away from men in scorn,nor walk in the earth haughtily;Surely, ALLAH loves not the arrogant boaster;`And walk thou at a moderate pace,and lower thy voice;verily,the most hateful of voices is the braying of the ass.’
Through our study of the Quran and the Sunnah we can get the good result which arose from the way which Parents may upbring their Children,forexample if we see the Prophet Ismail may bless of the Allah upon him,how and that obedience way he accepted about the dream of Prophet Ibrahim may bless of the Allah upon him,which was very difficult case,that means he accepted to be slaughter for sacrifice,when his father saw in his dream that he is slaughtering his beloved son,then the obedient son said to his father:O my father do what is ordered you to do,I am ready for that!,and you will get me a patient for it,that is the result of that good upbringing from the father he gave his son previously:
فلمّا بلغ معه السّعي قال يا بنيّ إنّي أرى في المنام أنّي أذبحك فانظر ماذا ترى قال ياأبت افعل ما تؤمر ستجدني إن شاء الله من الصّابرين(الصّافات)
Verse in As-safat(102):And when he was old enough to run along with him,he said,`O my dear son,I have seen in a dream that I offer thee in sacrifice.So consider what thou thinkest of it!’ He replied,`O my father,do as thou art commanded;thou wilt find me,if ALLAH please,steadfast in my faith.’
The Mother is more cared from the Parent,where her right is more than the father, because the mother faces so many problems towards her babies,where the father is not comparable for that cases,forexample the mother takes the baby with his heavy in nine months,where the baby gets all his needs from the mother’s stomach,then the mother faces a hard time to give the baby birth,then she feeds her preasts,and takes with her back and care the baby till the baby gets full grows and manage his needs,so mother is before the father to fulfil her right on you,and let her be pleased about you:
ووصّينا الإنسان بوالديه حسنًا حملته أمّه كرهًا ووضعته كرهًا وحمله وفصاله ثلاثون شهرًا حتّى إذا بلغ أشدّه وبلغ أربعين سنة قال ربّ أوزعني أن أشكر نعمتك الّتى أنعمت عليّ وعلى والديّ وأن أعمل صالح ترضاه وأصلح لي في ذرّيتي إنّي تبت إليك وإنّي من المسلمين(الأحقاف)
Verse in Al-ahqaf(15):And WE have enjoined on man to be good to his parents. His mother bears him with pain, and brings him forth with pain, and the bearing of him and his weaning takes thirty months till, when he attains his full maturity and reaches the age of forty years, he says, `My Lord, grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and I may do such righteous deeds as may please Thee. And establish righteousness among my progeny for me. I do turn to thee; and, truly, I am of those who are obedient to thee.’
This coming Verse is showing us how the mother get real difficulties about the baby for carrying him in the stomach as a pregrance and that problem she faces when she is giving him birth,then how she feeds the baby for her preasts about two years:
ووصّينا الإنسان بوالديه حملته أمّه وهنًا على وهنٍ وفصاله في عامين أن اشكر لى ولوالديك إلي المصير(لقمان)
Verse in Luqman(14):And we have enjoined on man to be good to his parents-his mother bears him in weakness upon weakness,and his weaning takes two years-and said,`Give thanks to ME and thy parents. Unto ME is the final return;
The Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him told us that the mother has a full respect and special right more than the father,and through the Hadith we see and understand that the mother three times more cared from the father,where the right of the father comes in fourth time:
عن أبي هريرة رضيّ الله عنه قال:جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم فقال:يا رسول الله من أحقّ النّاس بحسن صحابتي؟قال “أمّك” قال ثمّ من؟ قال”أمّك” قال ثمّ من؟ قال”أمّك” قال ثمّ من؟ قال”أبوك”
Hadith:Narrated from Abi Huriara may Allah bless him said:A man came to the Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him and said to him:O’ Messenger of Allah who is from people has the right me to accompany with?,the Messenger said:your mother, then the man said after her who will be? He said your mother,then the man said after her who will be? He said your mother,then the man said after her who will be?he said your father.
No person can pay the reward of his Parents exactly as it ought to pay it,and as we passed through the mother has that special right,where she becomes before the father,then the Parents has their own right on us,and should give them a full respect and do all service they need,and that favour which will make them happy and please towards us,till we get their acceptance and their prayers for us.
Our Religion allow us only a once to refuse and disobey our Parents,it is if they order us what is unlawful in our religion,in that time you reject and you should not accept anything comes against our Religion,so we should not obey anyone even the Parents if they order us what against Islamic orders:
ووصّينا الإنسان بوالديه حسنًا وإن جاهداك لتشرك بي ما ليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما إليّ مرجعكم فأنبئكم بما كنتم تعملون(العنكبوت)
Verse in Al-ankabut(8):And WE have enjoined on man kindness to his parents;but if they contend with thee to make thee associate that with ME of which thou hast no knowledge,then obey them not.Unto ME is your return,and I shall inform you of what you did.
Beside the service and the favour you may do to your Parents as well you should pray Allah to give them His mercy,and ask Allah to give them His forgiveness:
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ(إبراهيم(
Verse in Ibrahim(41):`Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers on the day when the reckoning will take place.’
The best deeds and the work which is most loved in Allah is to do favour to the Parents:
عن أبي عبد الرّحمن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال:سألت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلّم:أيّ عملٍ أحبّ إلى الله تعالى؟قل”الصّلاة على وقتها”،قلت ثمّ أيّ؟ قال:”برّ الوالدين”،قلت ثمّ أيّ قال:الجهاد في سبيل الله” متفق عليه.
Hadith:Narrated from Abi Abdirahman Abdallah Ibnu Mas’ud may Allah bless him said:I asked the Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him:which work is most loved in the Allah? He said:a prayer in it’s time,I asked after that which? He said the kindness and favour to the parents,then I asked which work becomes after that?he said Jihad to fight for the sake af Allah.
The real Believer must fulfil all duties which are on him,then whenever the person do that duties in order he feels comfortable and happiness,so we are told by our Religion to make a good relationship with the kinship of the Parents(The Rehim):
وعن أنس رضي الله عنه أنّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم قال:”من أحبّ أن يبسط له في رزقه،وينسأ له في أثره،فليصل رحمه”متّفق عليه
Hadith:Narrated from Anas may Allah bless him said:that the Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him said:who wants his sustenance and wealth to increase and his age is to be favoured let him the relatives to be connected in good relationship.
The Kinship of the Parents(The Rehim) are very respected and more cared by our Religion:
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت:قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم”الرّحم معلقة بالعرش تقول:من وصلني وصله الله ومن قطعني قطعه الله”متّفق عليه.
Hadith:Narrated from Aisha may Allah bless her said:that the Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him said:the relative(Rehim) is hunged from the Allah’s throne and says:who is connect me and relate me good I pray Allah to relate him,and who break my relationship I pray Allah to break his relation.
Among the duties on the person is to do favour and good service to the Parents because they are the cause of his existence,that means they born him,and brought him up,so giving them a full respect and do for them whatever they please,is just like a Jihad,that you fight for the sake of Allah:
عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن عاص رضي الله عنهما قال:أقبل رجل إلى نبيّ الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم فقال:أبايعك على الهجرة والجهاد أبتغي الأجر من الله تعالى،قال:”فهل من والديك أحد حيّ؟”قال نعم بل كلاهما،قال فتبتغي الأجر من الله تعالى؟قال:نعم،قال:” فارجع إلى والديك فأحسن صحبتهما”متّفق عليه.
Hadith:Narrated from Abdalla Ibnu Amro Ibnu A’s may Allah bless them said:someone met by the Messenger of Allah may peace and bless be upon him and said to him:I inaugurate you for immigration and Jihad to get reward from the Allah the highiest, then the Messenger said:is there any of your parents alife?he said yes both of them are alife,the Messenger said:so you are hoping reward from Allah?he said:yes,the Messenger said to him:go back to your parents and make good and favour with their accompany.by other narrative way it says:by them(on your parents) do your . “ففيهما فجاهد” Jihad.
Waa hiddahan raacoo
Waa hoyga barashada
Aan ku hanaqaadee
Ma hilmaami karayoo
Waa halbawlahaygiyo
Xididka dhiigga habayee
Hirashada kalgacalkiyo
Hammigayga weeyoo
Harraadkayga tirayee
Haddaan heli karaayana
Hadwalbaba jeclaadaa
Hortayda inay joogaan
Hadalkooda maqashoo
Hiyigaaga dejiyaan
Habbi kaa sameeyaan
Waa hooska noloshoo
Hadhka aad ku nasatoo
Ku hoggaaminaayee
Waa ruuxaa ku hagayoo
Hanuunkii Illaahiyo
Janno kuu horseedee
Allahayow hataaq iyo
Habaar waalid iga hay
Haye mooye maan odhan
Hiif wax laga dareemee
Allaa igu hanuuniyey
Hilin toosan oo sax ah
Haybad waxan ku leeyay
Hibadiyo ayaankaba
Waalidkaa had iyo jeer
Ii hibeeya duco oo
Intaa ila horjoogee
Hagarli’i wanaag iyo
Hiil iyo hooba ila wada
Nin kastoo halyayoo
Haybad iyo aqoon leba
Waxa soo hanqariyoo
Caanihii ku soo habay
Hadhowtona afkii baray
Hiddihii ku toosiyey
Hannaankii wacnaa iyo
Hilinkii saxa ahaa
Ku hagaajey dhaqankii
Hooyo iyo Aabbee
Hiilkay ku siiyeen
Abaal miyaad u helaysaa
Habka nolosha taabiyo
Hannaankii wacnaayee
Habboonaa adeegsiga
Bay kugu hagaanoo
Hormood kuu ahaadaan
Hammigaagay ku xidhaan
Hawlkar inaad ahaatoo
Kala haadsha hawlaha
Hufnaanta iyo dhaqankana
Hu’ bay kaaga yeelaan
Hadal waxad ku odhanay
Hagardaamo ka ogow
Hiif iyo karoox iyo
Hunuhunnuda qaabka la’
Hortoodaa ka dhawroo
U hur waxad awooddoo
Hilinkaad u mari layd
Habbi inay ahaadaan
Hammigaaga geliyoo
Habeenkiyo maalinta
Hubso waxay muteenoo
Ku horree dadaalkood
Hagarli’i wax ugu qabo
Ducadoodaad hananay
Halkaasaad waxad odhan
Allow ifka is hanannee
Aakhirona Jannadii na wada hooy
We ask Allah to let us who obey His orders,and do favour to their Parents,and gain their pleasant and their prayers.Amen.
Saeed Ibrahim Hussein

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