12 December, 2012

An Open Letter to the International Observers And Other Representatives Concerning the Fraudulent... An Open Letter to the International Observers And Other Representatives Concerning the Fraudulent Local

An Open Letter to the International Observers And Other Representatives Concerning the Fraudulent...

An Open Letter to the International Observers And Other Representatives Concerning the Fraudulent Local Elections Held in Somaliland On 28 November 2012

We, the undersigned members of XAQSOOR political association in the Diaspora, do hereby categorically condemn in the strongest possible terms about the massive vote rigging committed by the ruling party in the local elections held in the country on 28 November 2012.

We particularly condemn the extremely wicked and an unashamedly fraudulent tactics that the government has employed in its vicious attempt not only to put the flagging ruling party, KULMIYE, above all other competing parties but also to surreptitiously pick and choose the two other political associations that will qualify for national parties.

XAQSOOR [pronounced HAKSOOR] political association was essentially set up with the noble idea of bringing together all Somaliland clans including those on the periphery under one flag- Somaliland. Consequently, after careful thought and wider consultation, XAQSOOR members agreed to pick their own first deputy leader from the Dhulbahante clan whereas all other political associations picked their respective deputies from Gadabursi clan as has been the tradition for the past twenty years or so.

In a similar fashion, the XAQSOOR second deputy leader was picked from the Issa clan in order to create a stronger and more inclusive nation based on justice and equality so that Somaliland could become a nation where the dignity and rights of every clan is preserved and not only those of the ISSAQ clan that dominates the political scene. This undoubtedly won XAQSOOR the hearts and minds of the Somaliland clans on the periphery. But unbeknownst to the rest of the nation was the fact that Silanyo and his unscrupulous clique of usurpers were hatching sinister plans to scupper that noble idea.

In particular, we would like to point out the following:

That Silanyo government has shamelessly and unethically employed every trick in the book to ensure that XAQSOOR political association is completely and utterly routed in the local elections so that it will never shine onSomaliland's political landscape again. XAQSOOR was not defeated through fair and free elections but through the use of calculated and preplanned massive vote riggings and other electoral fraud mainly committed in the predominantly Dhulbahante inhabited region of Sool in the far east of Somaliland and the predominantly Issa inhabited territories of Zeila and its surroundings in the far west of Somaliland where the the ruling party, KULMIYE, was almost certain to face defeat in the polls.




That the Vice President of Somaliland has brazenly "abused and misused his presidential powers and state resources by deploying security forces and election staff exclusively drawn from his own sub clan" as stated by Ali Aareeye, MP, in an apparent attempt to deny members of ISSA clan to vote for XAQSOOR and secure KULMIYE's  victory above all other competing parties.  The vice president shamelessly brought with him "pre-stuffed ballot boxes" according to members of the ISSA clan representing the three parties of KULMIYE, WADDANI and XAQSOOR.  The ISSA clan members were unquestionably disenfranchised and therefore, as a clan, collectively rejected the outcome of the election.

Now that the election dust has finally settled it has become glaringly clear that the sinister plan was calculatingly designed to rob the votes of the communities on the periphery namely ISSA and Dhulbahante, who for so long complained about injustices and inequalities meted out to them in Somaliland. The plan was undoubtedly hatched by the highest echelons of the government as is clearly evident in the vice president's actions. When ISSA elders and intellectuals confronted the vice president with evidence of his direct interference in the election process, the vice president, instead of defending himself from the accusations, ignominiously ran away from the country by attending a Good Governance conference to be held inSenegal.



That KULMIYE party was almost certain to face a humiliating electoral defeat in the predominantly Dhulbahante province of Sool because the Chairman of KULMIYE party in that region tendered his resignation just hours before the election after miserably failing to find anyone who is willing to vote for KULMIYE.  Consequently, he has officially joined XAQSOOR party and declared that he was pleased to join hands with his clansmen because everyone else has abandoned the KULMIYE ship. It is therefore inconceivable how KULMIYE could possibly gain a handful of votes in that province let alone to beat all other political associations and win the majority of seats.



The Chairman of XAQSOOR in Dhahar has unambiguously stated on Somali news Channel on 5thDecember 2012 that ballot boxes intended for the Warsangeli clan of Dhahar, East Sanaag, had been deliberately held in Erigavo and later placed in the military barracks of Armaale and Shimbiraale where ballot stuffing took place.  The chairman said that KULMIYE party "donned in government shirt" had disenfranchised them and as result alienated and excluded them from the rest ofSomaliland. He further added that " Since the Somaliland government alienated and excluded us- as a clan- from the rest of Somaliland we will decide our own future destiny".



The most ludicrous and shameful episode occurred in the headquarters of National Election Commission (NEC) when XAQSOOR votes were deliberately erased from the computer and when the commission decided to recount the votes the ballot boxes from the district of Ahmed Dhagah, the stronghold of XAQSOOR, went missing from the NEC headquarters. Despite the heavy security presence in the headquarters the ballot boxes simply vanished into thin air. This is the most incontrovertible evidence which demonstrates beyong shadow of doubt that XAQSOOR was being deliberately targeted by the government.

We the supporters of XAQSOOR condemn yet again in the strongest terms possible the criminal actions of the security forces of Somaliland which confronted the unarmed children of XAQSOOR protesting against the vote rigging committed by the government in collusion with members of the NEC with hails of bullets which resulted in several deaths and nine wounded people.

Up until now, the president of Somaliland, Ahmed Silanyo, remains tight lipped about the election dispute even though XAQSOOR supporters conveyed their complaints directly to him. And he did not even send his condolences to those relatives whose loved ones were shot and killed by security forces.

It is important to note that failure to resolve this election dispute will put the supporters of XAQSOOR in direct collision with the government which may eventually result in Silanyo reducing himself to the leader of a clan enclave rather than the president of all Somalilanders.

We call upon the international observers and other representatives of the international community to note thatSomaliland's future hangs by a thread and that the prospect of Silanyo ruling from a non-contiguous capital city, Hargeisa, is very real unless this election dispute is resolved peacefully.

An Unholly Election Cannot Produce a Holly Result.


1)      Xamse Xaaji Xasan

2)     Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed

3)     Yasir Maxamuud Ibraahim

4)     Xuseen Cabdillaahi (wanaagsane)

5)     Aadan Cali Xamari

6)     Axmed Cabdillaahi

7)     Maxamed Cabdi Keyd

8)    Shukri Cabdi Xuseen

9)     Siciid Baashe

10) Cabdiqani Axmed Mire

11)  Dayib Aadan Xabashi

12) Maxamed Qawdhan

13) Muxumad  Cali Aw Xuseen

14) Faysal Cali Aw Cabdi

15)  Maxamuud Aw Aadan

16) Cali Ducaale Seed

17)  Cabdirisaaq Cali Ducaale

18) Maxamuud Jibriil

19) Xasan Cali Ducaale

20)      Cabdiqani  Diiriye

21) Xasan Sheekh Axmed

22)Cabdsamad Cali Ducaale

23)Cabdikariim Cali Ducaale

24)Xuseen Cali Ducaale

25) Mahdi Cabdillaahi Cumar

26)Khadar Cabdillaahi Cumar

27) Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillaahi Cumar

28)      Cabdiwahaab Naasir

29)Khalid Yusuf Axmed Xandule

30)      Sulub Aw Cabdi Cambalaash

31) Khadar Aw Diiriye Muxumad

32)Maxamuud Qasabeeye

33)Siciid Qasbaaye

34)Cali Basbaas

35) Ibraahim Muuse Xasan Walay

36)Kornayl Faysal Cali Qaafil

37) Yusuf Muuse Dage

38)      Axmed Macalin Cusmaan

39)Dr. Cabdi Suudi

40)      Dr. Ibraahim Jama

41) Ingineer Cabdirisaaq Cali Xasan

42)Axmed Jaamac Cabdillaahi

43)Rashiid Xasan Xirsi

44)Axmed cali Qaafil

45) Sheekh Maxamed Amiin Sh. Bashiir

46)Ibraahim Cabdillaahi Caalin

47) Cabdi Ruush Xuseen

48)      Khadar Xasan Xirsi

49)Radwaan Dayib Cabdillaahi

50)Cabdiraxmaan Abiib Cabdillaahi

51)  Cabdikhadar Xasan Cabdillaahi

52) Guleed Cabdillaahi Axmed Rooble

53) Cali Cabdi Rooble

54) Idiris Xuseen Cabdillaahi

55) Jaamac Maxamed Cawaale

56) Cabdiqaadir Ciise Kaahin

57) Cabdi Dahir Aadan

58)Xasan Nadalo

59) Maxamuud Jaanyar

60)      Maxamed Cabdi Haybe

61) Maxamed cabdi Gool

62)Ayaanle Maxamed

63)Ibraahim Cabdi Habreed

64)Khadar Khayre Carablow

65) Rashiid Xasan Xirsi

66)Aden Ibraahim

67) Khadar Gadaawe

68)      Cabdicasiis Khadar Gadaawe

69)Axmed Mahdi

70)Xuseen Fiiraan

71)  Daahir Axmed Jees

72) Ibraahim Daahir Colow

73) Xuseen Cali Rooble

74) Maxamed Ibraahim Muuse

75) Siciid Hugul

76) Nuur Cali Kooke

77) Maxamed Jaamac Dhalaax

78)Jaamac Axmed cagabaruur

79) Nuur Jaamac Maxamed

80)     Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Maxamed

81) Khadar Siciid

82)      Cabdiraxmaan Xuseen Xasan Gubadle

83)      Ibraahim Salaan

84)      Axmed Sheekh Cabdi Wali

85)Maxamed cabdillaahi Cabdi

86)      Maxamed Xaaji Cismaan

87)Ilyaas Cali Rooble

88)     Liibaan Qaambiil

89)      Xayd Adan Jaamac (Jaanyar)

90)      Jibriil Jaamac Jaanyar

91) Khadar Naasir Ayjeex

92)Maxamuud Xaashi

93)Cabdiqani Diiriye Aw Maxamuud

94)Axmed Dhagoole

95) Cabdishakuur Mawliid

96)Abusite Jibriil

97) Abdisalaan Sheekh Daahir

98)      Sahrmaarke Baadari

99)Mohammed Yusuf Madadse

100)  Cabdirisaaq cali Qaafil

101)   Maxamed Daahir Hagoogane

102)  Siciid Cabdi Xirsi Madadaal

103)  Daariq Xaaji Yuusuf

104)  Cabdikhadar Warsame (Afyare)

105)   Faaruuq Cabdillaahi Doob Ilkoole

106)  Xariir Maxamed Jaamac

107)   Axmed Cabdillaahi Jawaan

108)  Faysal Cabdi Cilmi

109)  Axmed Guuleed Xirsi

110)   Fuaad Ibraahim Odowaa

111)     Cabdinaasir Hagagaar

112)    Xasan Cabdi Cilmi

113)    Axmed Deeq Cabdi Cilmi Dixood

114)    Cabdillaahi Daahir

115)    Maxamed Cali Mooge

116)    Dayib Cismaan Quule

117)    Anwar Cali Xiid

118)   Xuseen Aden Cadde

119)    Cabdi Aden Cadde

120)  Mustafe Xaaji

121)    Cabdi Diyaar

122)   Baashe Abdi Abdillaahi

123)   Maxamed Aden cadde

124)   Najax Tulux

125)   Koosaar caydiid

126)   Cabdulqaadir Cabdullaahi Xirsi

127)   Cabdi Xirsi Adar

128)  Khadar Caydiid

129)   Maxamed Koosaar Caydiid

130)  Khadar Masmas

131)    Mustafe Yusuf

132)   Cabdiqaadir Axmed Wali

133)   Maxmed Ismaaciil

134)   Cabdisalaan Cali Akshan

135)   Cabdifataax Cali Waraabe

136)   Yusuf Maxamed Dage

137)   Cumar Cali Jabaan

138)  Maxamed cabdiqaadir Foodyare

139)   Maxamed Amiin Sheekh Bashiir

140)  Axmed Jaamac Dheere

141)    Khadar Axmed

142)   Cawl cabdi Timir

143)   Cusmaan Xaaji Cali

144)   Mustafe Xaaji Maxamed

145)   Mawliid Abiib Sodan

146)   Xukun Cabdin Tuur

147)   Professor Maxamed Dalab

148)  Mahdi Cabdi Tuur

149)   Maxamed Jiriiban Xaaji Jirde

150)   Yusuf Ibraahim

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