23 October, 2011

Gaddafi killing condemned by Indian Muslim leaders

Gaddafi killing condemned by Indian Muslim leaders

By AN Shibli (NVONews.Com)

New Delhi: Indian Muslim leaders and intellectuals have condemned the merciless lynching of Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed Libyan ruler whole ruled over the oil rich nation for more than 41 years. Indian Muslims have been critical of Nato and US governments’ illegal intervention in Libya in the garb of supporting the Libyan people.

Dr. Zafrul Islam Khan, a leading Middle East expert who is based in Delhi said though the results of Libya and Nato war went on expected lines, nonetheless the method used to kill Gaddafi is against humanity. He said the people of Libya who were against Gaddafi will now be forced to live under NATO forces. Khan who edits a fortnightly Milli Gazette, said that now Libya will be controlled by the USA and will look like another Iraq.

The imam of New Delhi’s famed Jama Masjid Ahmad Bukhari condemned the killing and said “there may be differences on the attitude of Gaddafi but the method used by USA, UK and NATO to destroy Gaddafi is condemnable. Maulana said if there was something wrong in Libya the people of Libya had risen against him and there was no need of Nato and US intervention there. They had no right to interfere in the internal matter of Libya”. Maulana further said that the best quality of oil is produced in Libya that is why America and Nato have intervened there to exploit it to the fullest.

Maulana Bukhari said that the worst part is that most of the Muslim countries are following USA diktats. He said if a Muslim country thinks that USA is its friend it is misguiding itself. One day they will be up for grab too.

Maulana Arshad Madni of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind said “the West played a condemnable role to end the life of Qaddafi. Though there was dictatorship in Libya but the West provoked the people of Libya to stand against Qaddafi and take up arms. Maulana said that what America and its other allies have done in Libya is condemnable. Killing a Leader of a country like Qaddafi must be condemned.

Maulana Mahmood Madni, a Rajya Sabha MP says what NATO did in Libya is completely illegal and defies any logic. This is against humanity. Maulana said if Gaddafi was wrong every body know that Bush was also wrong and there was no attack to eliminate him like Gaddafi.

Maulana Jalauddin Umri of influential Indian Muslim organization Jamat-e-Islami Hind says, “though Gaddafi had changed his mind on last stage but from the beginning he was challenging the West. That is why the west didn’t like him”. He wondered why Qaddafi can be killed following Nato bombardment on his convoy and US presidents who have killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan can go scot free?”

Maulana Asghar Ali Imam Mehdi of Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith criticized the tragic death of the ‘brother leader’ and termed it as the gross violation of human rights. He said that powerful countries are misusing their power and there is no hope of justice from them. Maulana said that it is right that the people of Libya were not happy under Qaddafi but the other countries never tried to solve this problem.

Hasan Ahmad, vice chairman of Central Haj Committee sees USA role in this entire episode. In all the Muslims countries where there is any problem, US is behind those problems. It is not the part of solution. Hasan Ahmad said that it is right that the people of Libya were living in pathetic condition under Gaddafi regime but why USA is taking interest in their affairs.


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