08 December, 2012

An Open Letter To My Fellow Citizens: Beware, the World is Watching Somaliland.

An Open Letter To My Fellow Citizens: Beware, the World is Watching Somaliland.

Somaliland has had multiple Presidential Election, spanning the last two decades.

Observers around the world, who are following the local elections in Somaliland, are doing so with a great deal of amazement. The reason for their amazement is obvious: the little nation is not even recognized, yet the people of this fledging democracy, have managed to do what the vast majority of their African counterparts have failed to accomplish, throughout the years: Author a viable constitution, establish a divided government, with a strong Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches and maintain peace, all major feats, of course, until you come to think of the electoral process in Somaliland. Consider this-- Already, Somaliland has had multiple Presidential Election, spanning the last two decades. Each of those election cycles was conducted according to and in fulfillment of the constitution of the land. Add to the picture, the fact that after each of those elections, the transfer of power has gone orderly and peacefully, and one is compelled to recognize our democratic nation for what it really is: a genuine gem in a region of the world, long corrupted. But wait! Not to be outdone, the Local Elections of this year, thus far, promise to be yet another lofty milestone reached. After tens of spirited debates, months of campaigning, and thousands of ballots cast, the election is done.

 The final results have not been tabulated yet, but are expected to be announced shortly. By all accounts of independent observers, these local elections were fair, transparent, and democratic. To the would be winners, we would say congratulations. Strive to be gracious and respectful to all people, not just to the people who belong to your political party. To those who would not make it, this time, we would say thank you for helping make our democracy the envy of the World. You may not have won today, but tomorrow will be a new day: rejuvenate, reload and reinvent in anticipation of what that new day may bring. To all we would say: show your pride and love for Somaliland. Be the guardians of the peace and prosperity so many of those who came before us sacrificed for. Keep the torch of democracy brightly lit for future generations. My fellow citizens, enjoy the journey, but keep your eyes on the destination: Full recognition as a nation by a world already dazzled and and amazed with us, of course! 

Ali Hassan Meygag, 
Af'hayeenka Ururka WADANI ee Canada.


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