02 May, 2012

The competition of somaliland tribal kingdoms must be halted now and not later.

The competition of somaliland tribal kingdoms must be halted now and not later. 

 by Maxamed-Amiin Dahir Caynaashe 

This message is to the nationalists and for those who are struggling to cut that beautiful image of nationalism.

As a nation we have our own big struggles and one that is not coming out clearly is the percentage of our population which, trully and strongly believe in somaliland nationalism. In particular, a believe t...hat all somalilanders are equal and also believe that justice and fair play for all are virtues to embrace as a nation.

Once a critical mass is established, thus citizens who believe in brother and sister, where there is no believe in tribal-K(Reer-K), and tribal-C (Reer-C), or Reer-Y..etc, is when somaliland will definitely move forward and reach their goals. We are under obligation as a nation to bring down this monester called tribalism and tribal competition for national resources to a STOP.

Now, to start our new phase to bring true and real nationalism in somaliland, we must by design reject the leadership of tribal Kings. This is by voting in a presidential candidate who has no bearing of tribal kingship. It is a mistake as somalilanders to vote for a tribal king as the head of our national interests. This makes it appear that we condon and help tribalism to thrive in somaliland.

Look somaliland to-day. If you have been watching the unfolding political events in Berbera and Burco recently, you will agree with me that somaliland has been polarized by very unhealthy tribal political competition, spearheaded by the same tribal kings and clearly the signs in the clouds are that this unhealthy tribal competition is not going to end soon and not even in the near future, if not checked now.

Presidence Siilaanyo and Ibrahim Dhega-weyne , their behaviors are so tribal to the extend that if a tribal person whispers tribal overtones to them, they religiously entertain them. On the ground our nation is threatened with very deep divisions which potentially have the capability to drive Somaliland into or like a south Somalia nightmare.

Fighting for your tribs is bad. Not the constitution .What is the solution? The best thing to do as somalilanders is to give Presidency to a person who is not cherishing tribal superiority and a person who will be able to unite all Somalilanders regardless of tribe or regions. The competition of tribal kingdoms must be halted now and not later. Tribal Kingdom believers, my appeal to you is to recognize that somaliland is bigger than one or 3 tribe and that every somaliland needs justice and fair play. Let us turn the tribal kingdom thinking to a national asset, where the national thinking will be how best we will share our much or little resources and how to conquer collectively our difficulties, our miseries and our burdens, while stretching out the hand of friendship the world to make peace and make the world a better place to live in. Let us form as many as possible, many civil society groups, political resistance groups and many others to fight for all of us as a nation. No tribal groupings..

Its clear that Somaliland people are tired of old and corrupt politicians who have continued to over-eat while almost half of population is below poverty. People continue to learn Siilaanyo and kulmiye evreyday. Mr. Siilaanyo why there is a feeling of helplessness, and frustration among the Somaliland

Many wonder why I keep hammering

Maxamed-Amiin Dahir Caynaashe
Columbus ohio


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