Biography : Dr.Muhammad Ratib Al-Nabulsi | |
![]() He was born in 1938 of a relatively poor, but well educated, family. His father was one of the religious scholars ofDamascus city who preached in its mosques and left a large collection of books including some manuscripts.
He completed his primary, intermediate and secondary education, then he studied at the institute of education, from which he graduated in the year 1956, when he completed his higher studies at the department of Arabic literature, faculty of letters, Damascus university, from which he graduated in 1964, after he got a B.A. in Arabic language and literature. Then he went to the faculty of education in Damascus University, from which he got a Diploma in educational accreditation, with a high rating, in the year 1966. After that, he joined the university of Leon (The Lebanon Branch) where he got an M.A. in Arabic literature. It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Culture and National guidance of the Syrian Arab Republic undertook to publish his M.A. thesis on its own account. In 1999, He got a Ph.D. in education from Dublin University, Britain. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled "Education of Children in Islam".
From 1969 to 1999, he worked in the field of secondary, and then university education; and he was appointed a lecturer in the faculty of education, Damascus University. After that, he was appointed a lecturer in the field of Scientific Miracles of the Holy Koran and Prophetic Sunna in the faculties of Islamic Law and Fundamentals of Islamic Religion at Al-Azhar University, branch of Al-Fatih Al-Islami institute of Damascus, a lecturer in the field of Islamic Theology at the university of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Kuftaro Religious Center, and a lecturer in the field of education in the Islamic University of Tripoli, where he is still lecturing.
He has written, and shared in writing several books related to his job, most important of which are "from The Literature of Life", a reading text book for the secondary education certificate (Literary and scientific), which was taught for about ten years, and a book of methodology of teaching Arabic for students of post-graduate studies (Diploma of Educational Accreditation) in the Faculty of Education, Damascus university, and other books. * * *
He studied Islamic Religion and Legislation when he was still young, and he attended lectures given by a number of religious scholars in Damascus. He also studied Quranic Interpretation, Prophetic Tradition, Islamic Jurisprudence, Prophetic biography, Islamic obligations; and he got a license in Prophetic Hadith Narration from his professor at the faculty of literature, Dr. Sheikh Sobhi As-Saleh, professor of Quranic sciences, Al-Hadith sciences and linguistics at Damascus University.
In the year 1974, he was appointed orator in the mosque of his grandfather, Sheikh Abdulghani An-Nabulsi, and a religion lecturer in Damascus mosques, and he orated and taught in An-Nabulsi mosque, and also in other mosques such as Al-Othman, At-Tawousiah, Al-Ahmadiah, and Al-Jisr mosque in Az-Zabadani, where he taught Islamic Theology, Quranic Interpretation, Prophetic Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Prophetic Biography, Arabic Literature, and Basic Principles of Islamic Call. Then he was appointed principal of Quranic Recitation Institute of An-Nabulsi mosque, a supervisor of "Nahj Al-Islam" Magazine, issued by the ministry of Awqaf in the Syrian ArabRepublic. He was also appointed member of several committees setup by the Ministry of Awqaf, such as Oration Committee, High Committee of the Hajj, Committee of Guidance, Committee of Preachers, Committee of Manuscripts; and he was delegated by the Ministry of Awqaf to the meetings held by the High Committee set up to study the treaty for elimination of all kinds of discrimination against women. And he was a member of the High Hajj Committee for three years. After that, in May 2005, the Minister of Awqaf issued an order whereby he appointed him as one of the orators of the great Umayyad Mosque, and as a religious lecturer there.
He represented Syria in the (Islamic, Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization) ISECO Conference, which was held in Rabat in 1993. He also represented Syria in the Islamic Conference held in Tehran in 1995. He answered an invitation to attend the Islamic Conferences held in Mali and Congo. He shared in the Family Conference, which was held in Abu Dhabi in 1998, the Islamic Jurisprudence Conference, which was held in Detroit in 1999, the two Muslim Youth Conferences, held in Los Angeles in 1998-1999, the eleventh High Council for Islamic Affairs, held in Cairo in 1999, the eighth Al-Barakah Symposium for Islamic Economy, held in Beirut in 2000, Al-Waqf Experiments Symposium in Ash-Sham Countries, held in 2000, the Family Meeting, held in Istanbul in 2000, Conference of the Ministers of Awqaf in the Islamic World, held in Malaysia in 2002, the seventeenth and eighteenth High Council Conferences for Islamic Affairs in 2005-2006, and the Social Education Conference, held in Damascus. He also prepared the worksheet of the Role of Religious Establishments in Social Education in 2005.
He delivered a number of religious speeches in the United States of America (Franklin Durban, Flint, Indiana, Miami, Washington, New Jersey, Stanton, Saint Clara and Los Angeles) in the years 1998-1999. He delivered a number of religious speeches inAustralia (in Sidney in 2001, and in Sidney and Millburn in 2004), and in Turkey (Istanbul) for four years. He gave many lectures in Islamic Reform University in Tripoli, and in Al-Makarim Charity. He answered invitations from the Muftis of Lebanon, Sedona, Al-Boqa' and Tripoli, where he delivered a number of lectures. He answered invitations for giving lectures in Kuwait and Dubai. He also answered two official invitations to visit Kingdomof Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Sudan. He gave Islamic lectures in several cultural centers in the Syrian Arab Republic. He taught Islamic theology in the course held for training non-Arab imams and orators for three years in the Faculty of Fundamentals of Islamic Religion in Abu An-Nour Complex in Damascus, in addition to the lectures that he usually delivers to non-Arab imams and orators who come to Damascus from all parts of the Islamic world.
He also delivers a number of lessons, orations, symposiums and interviews broadcast on Damascus radio, Al-Quds radio - which broadcasts its programs from Damascus for four hours a day - a number of Lebanese radios - such as Dar At-Fatwa in Beirut, radios of Tripoli, Sedona, and Al-Azhar in Bouqa' - the radio stations of the West Bank and Gaza strip, radio of Abu Dhabi (UAE), radio of Qatar, radio of Kuwait, radio of Riyadh, radio of the Holy Quran (Cairo), radio of Ash-Sharq (Paris), radio of Ana (Washington), and radio of Detroit (for Arab communities).
He also delivers a number of lessons and interviews on Syrian TV (Channels 1and 2) broadcast on religious occasions, a number of periodical chat programs on the Syrian Space Channel, some of which are entitled: "Islam and Life", "Fiqh of Civilization", and "Faith is Good Manners", broadcast at 12 am (Damascus local time) on Monday, a number of chat programs on Abu Dhabi TV, Sharjah TV (Space Channel) among other Space Channels, like Al-Waha and Infinity Space Channels in the Arabia Gulf.
He has written a number of Islamic books, most remarkable of which is "Outlooks on Islam" (published three times with one version translated into English), "Contemplations on Islam" (four impressions with one version translated into English), "Fruitful Interviews with Sheikh Ash-Sha'rawi" (two impressions), "Al-Isra' Wal-Mi'raj" (The Prophet's Night Journey and Ascension to Heaven), "Al-ijrah" (The Prophet's Immigration", "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Greatest), "Encyclopedia of the Beautiful Names of Allah" (Three volumes) (three impressions), "Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran and Prophetic Sunna" (Allah's Signs in the Universe and Allah's Signs in Man) (Two volumes) (Three impressions), "Glimpses on Islam", and "Pillars of Religious Obligation", the last two books have been recently published.
He has also written a number of articles on Islamic topics for "Nahj Al-Islam" magazine, which is published in Damascus (and he is one of its editors), "Manar Al-Iman", issued by Dar Ar-Rasheed publishing center, "Minbar Ad-Da'iyah" magazine, issued in Beirut,"Al-Mirah" magazine, issued in London, "Al-Aseel" magazine, issued in Damascus, and"Panorama" magazine, also issued in Damascus.
He has written a number of articles and interviews for Syrian "Ath-Tawrah" newspaper, Lebanese "Al-Liwa'" and "Ash-Sharq" newspapers, "Al-Mouslimoun" newspaper, issued in London, "Al-I'tidal" newspaper, issued by the Syrian Community in America, and "Ad-Diyar" newspaper, issued by the Arab Community in Sydney, Australia.
He is also a founder member of "The Fight Against Smoking and Detrimental substances" society in Syria, and chairman of "Children's Rights" society in Syria.
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Mobile: 0096394211927 Fax : 00963113717828 P.O.Box: 7040 (Rukneddin) Damascus - Syria
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18 July, 2009
Biography : Dr.Muhammad Ratib Al-Nabulsi
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