11 July, 2011

Public health in disarray in South Sudan - South Sudan Independence - Al Jazeera English

Public health in disarray in South Sudan - South Sudan Independence - Al Jazeera English: "Juba, South Sudan - It is a Sunday, the day after independence day, and most of South Sudan is closed for business – but there is no time off for Robert Napoleon, the senior medical officer at Juba Teaching Hospital, the country's largest.

On a break from his rounds on a Sunday afternoon - 'this is not supposed to be a working day,' he said ruefully - he explained that the hospital handles some 200 patients per day, twice its optimum capacity, because many South Sudanese simply have nowhere else to go.

'The military hospital is not functioning, the police hospital is not functioning, the primary care centres under the state are not functioning,' said Napoleon, who has worked at the hospital for five years. 'Everyone comes here. People come from Juba, from Eastern Equatoria state, Western Equatoria, Jonglei, even some from Unity state have come here."


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