23 May, 2010

UN seeking peace for Mogadisho, among human-butchers,warlorsand natitional traitors at Istanbul of Turkey!!

The Inetrnational Community is absoulutely not honest in securing President shariff's weak TNG goverment, who like it's predessors , is right on schedule to-end-up at the political I.C.U of never recubberating of this ailment , for a very simple reason of searching peace , amongst terrorists,war lorsds.tribesleaders and creminals ,who make the bulk of the TNG Governmenr cabinet and parliament.
Somali people seiing the man who killed his next of kin Decorated by the the international community with Ministerial protofolio or amember of parliament , they(the westerns )are dreaming of rewarding a creminal with his crime. The people of somalia now better, are experienced Fully to such delicate4 solutions.The Somali question could well be solved by serving justice!! Its isnot as defficult because we have done it (justice ) at Ruwanda, Bosna & herzog, cossovo & mont.Negroas well as kenya, we could do it at mogadishio now.
Mr. Ban kii moon, the secratary  General of the UN, have got over  some 100 navy vessels in the Somali waters, when seapirates com from the main land for attacks on international Marine. The UN terrorist derterring  foces in Djibouti bases do have roughly about 250 fighters of various types, we have some 5000 strong forces at Mogadhio of UNISOM contingent plus 10,000 Ntional army troops of the UN-Trained somali army, who should be ready to takeup their duties in defending their country. If there is a thread of honesty in the curent Istanbul Conference, they would hav,e intelligently utilized this force and should have wiped-off Alshabab but , the International community do have its own agenda of sustaining the no solution for mogadishio .
Sea piracy was not known in this particular point of the the globe, but its the westerns, who enlighted the poor fishers to look for an en easy money, insurance paid money of kidnapping commercial vessels for ransom,should stand responsible. Mr pan kii moon, Come-on, we can not make the globe a mesirable place of Military zones, filled With blue hat-soldiers called "Peace Keepers" and this could not the genuine solution either. Why don't you enforce the UN charter that you are responsible eforcing it.
Dr. A A. mohamed

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