27 May, 2013

Islam Against Terrorism - v1.33

Islam Against Terrorism - v1.33
consisting of:
With Which Intellect and Religion can Suicide Bombings and Destruction be Considered Jihaad? by Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad
The Evils of Terrorism by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab al-'Aqeel
...and all related fataawa from the Fatwa-Online and Madeenah.Com archives
HTML HELP (file extension .CHM) format (size = 1.42mb)
latest version (1.33) published on: tuesday 27 march, 2007
first version (1.00) published on: monday 12 september, 2005
Total Downloads = 3,195 (0122)
Highest Day = 353 


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