27 March, 2013

The 9th EPRDF Organizational Congress finished.


The 9th EPRDF Organizational Congress finished.   yesterday by the adaptation of 11- main points resolution and re-elected Prime Minister Haile-Mariam Dessalegn and Demeke Mekonnen as Front Chairman and Deputy Chairman honorably  

Recalling the impressive economic growth registered for nine years in a row, taking into account the popular inspiration induced by the untimely death of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for yet another gain, having critically assessed the he 9th EPRDF Organizational Congress wrapped up yesterday adopting an 11-point resolution and re-electing Prime Minister Haile-Mariam Dessalegn and Demeke Mekonnen as Front Chairman and Deputy Chairman, respectively.

Recalling the impressive economic growth registered for nine years in a row, taking into account the popular inspiration induced by the untimely death of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for yet another gain, having critically assessed the implementation of the GTP over the last two and half years, bearing in mind the smooth power transition, fully aware that EPRDF seems it has the whole confidence of the public at large, the Bahir Dar Congress resolution, among others, states:implementation of the GTP over the last two and half years, bearing in mind the smooth power transition, fully aware that EPRDF is wining the confidence of the public at large, the Bahir Dar Congress resolution, among others, states:With regard to education services, the Congress affirmed commitment to producing skilled manpower to sustain the rapid economic growth and to narrowing existing gaps due to capacity limitations and attitudinal problem.

It has also pledged to stamp down religious extremism bent on undermining the equality of religions and religious tolerance existing in the country since time immemorial.
At the end the 9th EPRDF Organizational Congress vowed to uphold and pass down the legacies of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to the public at large and posterity contributing share to the efforts of documenting his contributions to the Ethiopian peoples and African cause as well
Ahmed Arwo. Sent from my iPhone

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