23 December, 2012

Somaliland: Would-be Assassins Arrested

Somaliland: Would-be Assassins Arrested
Saturday, 22 December 2012 16:14

Ali Qase, Sool Regional police commanderAli Qase, Sool Regional police commanderBy: Yusuf M Hasan

LAS ANOD (Somalilandsun) – A Las Anod Councillor has escaped from an assassination attempt.

Two people are under the custody of Las anod police where they are being held on suspicion of the failed attempt on the life of Councillor Abdiaziz Husein Ta'arwale on Friday evening.

According to the Sool regional police commander Ali Qase, the two were arrested after a relentless pursuit by security officers who had responded to an alarm raised by residents of the town during the attempted assassination.

Commander Ali Qase who also displayed a number of weapons captured while in possession of the two suspected assassins also informed that one of the prisoners has fatal injuries whose cause is yet to be ascertained.

Among the assortment of items found in possession of the would-be assassins include 4 hand grenades, 3 pistols, 3 submachine guns (AK47) and 7 mobile phones.

The regional police commander, who informed that investigations are underway especially as per the motive of the failed assassination as well as persons behind it, said that the culprits will be arraigned in court soon.

Though Councillor Ta'arwale escaped with only injuries his elimination attempt becomes the second for a member of the Las Anod local council elected on 28th November to be targeted for assassination, following the brutal killing of another civic leader in the town a few days after election.

On the other hand doctors at a Hargeisa hospital indicate that the injured councillor is currently out of danger as he is responding positively to medication. Councillor Ta'arwale arrived in the capital city of Hargeisa in the early hours of this morning to seek advanced medical attention

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