16 July, 2011

71 year old Muslim male attacked as he opened mosque for prayers

71 year old Muslim male attacked as he opened mosque for prayers


 The Cumnock Chronicle reports on aserious assault on a 71 year old Muslim man in Kilmarnock as he opened a mosque ahead of the Fajr prayer.

"The 71-year-old Asian man was discovered with serious facial injuries around 0130 hrs on Friday 15 July 2011 outside the Community Mosque in Hill Street, Kilmarnock. It is believed that he was attacked prior to opening the Mosque for a prayer session and was discovered by two fellow members of the Mosque who informed the emergency services.

The injured man was taken by ambulance to Crosshouse Hospital where he is currently being treated for his injuries. Hospital staff describe his condition as stable.

Chief Inspector Wilson Brown at Kilmarnock Police Office said:

"This is a despicable act of violence carried out on a defenceless man. At this time there would appear to be no motive for this attack however we can't rule out the possibility of it being racially motivated."

A report published by the Scottish Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscal Service in May this year found that religiously aggravated violence in Scotland had risen with recorded figures for the period 2010 – 11 the highest since 2006-07.

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