Qoraalada soo badanaya ee ay qorayaan mucaaridka cilmiyeysan ee xiisadahan isa soo taraya ka faaiidaysanaya ayaa keenay in aan qormadan diyaariyo. Waxa hadaba ugu horeeya nimanka mucaaridka sheegta laakiin ujeedadoodu tahay arimo qotodheer oo ay ka mid yihiin mar hadii ayna isakaga waxba ka daadanayn waa in aan dadka jaho wareeriyaa oo aan kolba dhinac ula ordaa iyagoo moodaya in aan la ogayn micnaha ka danbeeya qaylodhaantooda. Waxa haboon in dadku markasta ku hadlaan hadal isku mid ah oo ku salaysan "Principle" ama caqiido toosan oo aad xaga ku difaacayso adigoon wadan Agende hoose. Shalay hadalada uu qoray Mohamed Mousa waxa ka mid ah: The Choice Is Clear In The Somaliland presidential Election – By Mohamed Mousa Choice is clear to elect Mr. Rayale – Mr. Mohamed"s support was solely based on clan membership not a princile because Rayale was not a popular leader in the western Somaliland as we all know. Rayale ma'ahayn nin caan ka ah xaga galbeed oo looga bartay waxqabad iyo faa'iido kale sobobta uu ku taageeraayey kaliya waxay ahayd qabyaalad. Qoraalada uu maxamed mouse ku mucaarido Axmed Siiraanyo waxa ka mid ah: SNM + DAHABSHIIL = SOMALILAND GOVERNMENT- The business sector, the Media sector including newspapers, and Kulmiye leaders are all united in one agenda: to suppress and dominate others. These groups have already put us on the road to dictatorship. It is real because the signs are already there. Dahabshiil is the leader of all the troubles in that part of Somalia. It runs the business machine, the news media, and newspapers. Dahabshiil supports the criminals from SNM and finances the fighting and conspiracies of all kinds. Dahabshiil controls the new government, the army, and other security agencies. Dhabshiil runs the show in the Senate and parliament. The political propaganda machine and the news media are financed by Dahabshiil. Siilaanyo and his comrades are hostages to Dahabshiil. Dahabshiil is the undercover cap in Hargeysa and manipulates the occurrence of every event. It is behind every political conspiracy that takes place. People are wondering and asking themselves about who creates the mess. They put the blame on certain individuals including Siilaanyo, Gaboose, Muse Biixi, and others. But they do not ask themselves who created those monsters. In order Dahabshiil to secure its business, it has to maintain some power in the making of events in Hargeysa. Its business wouldn't have grown and will never grow under the present political turmoil and tribal distrust in that part of Somalia unless it has the power to control its puppets. People are looking somewhere else to find out the causes of hunger, tribal competition, the monopoly of business, the banking system, the suppression of other people's concerns. The media in Hargeysa is controlled by Dahabshiil and can only publish the opinions favouring the interest of Dahabshiil and its puppets in the government and political houses. When writings of concerns from clans other than Isaaq are sent to most of the websites and newspapers run by people from Isaaq Clans, they are dumped into the recycle bin and laughed at. Today there are many disgruntled clans in that part of Somalia, particularly Gadaboursi, Dhulbahante, Warsangali, and some pockets from Isaaq. The intellectuals of those clans are active protesting the power grab of the old dogs which haven't yet learned any new tricks and the interest these old dogs have in Dahabshiil. However, their opinions and criticisms are not allowed to appear in the private media in Hargeysa. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Dahabshiil has the monopoly in everything. Dahabshiil has unleashed these old dogs and they are doing everything which pleases Dahabshiil. The newspapers in Hargeysa are the mouth piece of Dahabshiil and in turn favour the Old dogs' policy. In order to please USA and to keep money transfers open, Dahabshiil is creating an image of fighting terror in Somaliland and creating a scenario and a fertile ground for terrorism so that its money machine is not closed. Now the old dogs in the government are implementing that scenario as has happened in Awdal and Salal and recently in Berbera. Conspiracy after conspiracy is the common denominator for the actions of Dahabshiil and its guards. They are selling the story that some people from Awdal and Salal are responsible for the terror group which came by the sea through those regions. The people have not understood the conspiracy behind those activities and many others to come. Dhahabshiil's hard currency has successfully worked this time. But who is the judge? Ethiopia has the answer. Mohamed MOUSA Email: mmousa@rogers.com Gabagabo: Daacad markuu qofku yahay wuxuu difaacaa ama u hiiliyaa wixii sax ah. Siiraanyo qaladaad ayuu sameeyaa mana aha mid u taala kuwa shalay dadka kala jabinayey ee isku dirka bulshada galbeed ka shaqaynaayey inay marna mucaarid noqdaan qolo ku salaysan marna ay noqdaan muxaafid qolo ku salaysan iyagoo shacabka inta daacada ah raba inay xadaan oo ay u dhuuntaan laakiin dusha ayaa lagala socdaa- markaa marka hore maxamed muse dicin – ha toobad keeno – hana kasoo noqdo danbiyadii uu shacabka galbeed ka galay – markaa haka hadlo dhibaatada uu sheegayo ee uu Axmed Siiraanyo bilaabay. Jamal Siciiid |
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