16 October, 2010

Germany: Teacher suspended for serving pork to Muslim students

Germany: Teacher suspended for serving pork to Muslim students

Urusla E. (59), a math and drama teacher for 18 years, was fired for accidentally giving a Muslim student pork.

The incident happened in the Christophorus school in Betzdorf (Rheinland-Pfalz). The teacher says that that there were two unlabeled dishes of schnitzels, one containing four pieces and one with eleven, which she gave to the children. She did not know that some were made of chicken while others were made with pork.

Then one student, Ünal (9), asked what kind of meat it was. She answered she didn't know. The boy didn't touch the meat, and a Turkish student gave her schnitzel to a German girl. The teacher thought the case was settled, but the next day the boy's mother called her up, very angry. A few days later 15 Turkish parents showed up at the school and demanded the teacher be fired.

The school management quickly responded and put the teacher on leave. Ursula E. says she had to leave the school immediately, and the principal told her she didn't teach there anymore. The school superintendent suggested she be moved to a different school.

The school, which has 302 students overall, and 45 Muslim students, scrapped pork for everybody. The school management wrote that in the future, in addition to vegetarian meals they will only offer poultry and beef meals.

Ursula E. apologized to the parents of Ünal K., to no avail. She's been sitting at home for seven months, suffering from anxiety. Now she sued the school, demanding her suspension be revoked.

Eveline Dziendziol, spokesperson for the relevant ministry in Trier says that the children was not suspended, but is rather home on sick-leave. The incident is no longer an issue, and the school once again serves pork.

Source: BILD (German), h/t NRP


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