29 April, 2010

Homes, Jobs and Peace - Manifesto for a Hung Parliament

Homes, Jobs and Peace - Manifesto for a Hung Parliament

Monday 26th April 2010

"It now looks inevitable that there will be a hung parliament after the general election. Respect will never support a Tory government whose policy of immediate and massive cuts combined with tax breaks for big business and the very wealthy would be a disaster for the economy and most peoples' lives. 

"With a real chance of winning three MPs; George Galloway, Poplar and Limehouse, Abjol Miah, Bethnal Green and Bow, and myself in Birmingham Hall Green; Respect will have three minimum conditions on which we would consider supporting a government:
  • A massive council house building programme to address the housing scandal across the country
  • The rapid withdrawal of British troops from all illegal and pointless wars
  • The radical democratisation of our constitution with a fair proportional voting system, abolition of the appointed House of Lords and cleaning up parliament - no more second homes fiddles.

This manifesto outlines some of the other policies we will fight for in any negotiations."

Salma Yaqoob, Leader, Respect Party

Download the Manifesto

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