08 January, 2010

Put your question on the NHS to David

Dear Ahmed,

I hope you've come back from the Christmas period refreshed for the year ahead.

The start of a new year, not least a new decade, always comes with a sense of hope for the future.But in 2010, we can do more than just hope.

The general election is now less than 150 days away, and it really can't come soon enough.That's why we've kick-started our campaign for the election today with a nationwidecampaign on healthcare.
It was over three years ago when I spelled out my priorities in three letters - NHS. Since then, we've fought hard to protect the values the NHS stands for, and campaigned to defend it fromLabour's cuts and reorganisations.

Most of us use the NHS at some point - and even when we're fit and healthyit's a great reassurance to know it's there. So because healthcare affects everyone,
I want everyone to join in the debate on it. If you go to the Draft Manifesto page
on our website you can have a look at the policies we're proposing on healthcare,
and then ask me a question about them. Everyone will be able to vote ontheir favourite questions over the next few days, and then on Friday I'll
answer the ones that you care about the most.

VIDEO: Ask David Cameron your questions on the NHS (click to play)

For the NHS, and for our country, let's make 2010 the year for change.

David Cameron (signature)

Put your question on the NHS to David

Draft Manifesto


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