07 October, 2009

?Ceelbardaale? issue is missing in the mix!

?Ceelbardaale? issue is missing in the mix!

?But where is the bone? Where is the beef? I mean, where is Ceelbardaale in the mix??
A wondering Gabilian said that! ?
How do you mean sir,? the author asked ?
I mean like chairman Silanyo said to Riyaale ?Release the innocent young men collected and put in prison for they exercised their right to demonstrate peacefully?.
The houses leaders and the parties? leaders were expected to say, ? Stop your clan militia, which you and your government blessed and sponsored.? But no one said that!

We also know that this Riyaale sponsored miltia attacks against the Ceelbardaale community, became a pretext for Riyaale supporters. They argued that there was no peace in the country because of that war; therefore extension of the term of Riyaale?s presidency was warranted! That was their argument in the Guurti and else where!
You would never know if they would use this excuse once again for their evil purposes!

In fact the gentlemen around that table shied away the truth! What they did not understand was that a fair and transparent elections would not happen unless Riyaale?s clan militias wearing the national army uniform and paid by the taxpayers stop raiding and ambushing the residents of Ceelbardaale

?Ceelbardaale issue, a Riyaale created clan conflict that escalated to war was missing in the mix during the conflict resolution conference sponsored by the international community. Although it was part and a major pretext in the larger scheme of de-stabilization of Somaliland like the never-ending postponement of the presidential elections! It was not there on the table however!

None of the speakers on the occasion of signing a foreign initiated and managed resolution of Riyaale?s created conflict between him and the rest of the nation spoke of ?Ceelbardaale issue! Probably they will do that in the future! Who knows!
The minimized Ceelbardaale issue is a major part and parcel of the election related larger issue facing the nation, which is related to the scheme of Somaliazation of Somaliland

This is not the first time Riyaale and gang attempted to create clan wars in the area and beyond!
First, Riyaale government disfranchised not only ? Ceelbardaale community but also the northern rural areas of Gabiley, including Ceelbardaale and Hargeisa in all the three elections that took place in Somaliland! Some people made some noises at the time but that was all! That encouraged Riyaale to do more of the kind! Thirteen ridings in Gabiley and seven ridings in northern Hargeisa was disfranchised unconstitutionally! They were not counted for their proper districts and candidates!
They deprived these communities their rights to vote, their rights to elect and to be elected in their own electoral bounders set in the district laws!
The author was there in all these times as an international elections observer. These Communities forfeited their inherent rights to vote in their ridings with in the electoral bounders of their districts and regions for peace sake, they said! Only justice keeps the peace, I say!

? Ceelbardale Community is a victim of envy one may say!

The?Ceelbardaale? community has done what no other community ever has done in the whole Somali peninsula, let alone Somaliland!
They did a collective cooperative farming to be self-sufficient, and further supply the larger community, included their neighbours who are fighting against them now. They succeeded that endeavor!
They transcended the narrow one sub-clan ownership. They share every thing collectively, the good, and the bad. In reaching that they strived and strived and did it!
They broke mountains.
They plowed the land.
They tilted the soil.
They dug wells.
They irrigated the plant.
They built roads.
They built schools.
They built homes and dispensers, which you may not find in any other rural communities in the nation anywhere!
They exceeded expectations, with out government help!
They reaped what they sow, but that was the problem!
They shouldn?t reap their fruit! It must be burned and destroyed, some said that before, some are saying now and the Dila militia did what they said and saying!
They destroyed every thing, burned every thing and killed the week left there during Siyad Barre?s ethnic cleansing scheme, when people ran away for their lives!

Instead of emulating and flowing the good example set by ?Ceelbardaale? community, the brotherly neigbouring community started creating claims that all these fruits, vegetables and grains belong to them! Otherwise they wouldn?t claim a barren uncultivated piece of wasteland there.
They destroyed the work of years and years carelessly; cruelly at a time the ?Ceelbardale? community was experiencing an ethnic cleansing! At a time the said community were driven out of their farms and homes by Siyad Barre?s genocidal regime! [The president of Somaliland do know best what was happening to these people and others, particularly the slaughtering of Somalilanders which took place under his supervision in Berbera in 1988!] [Did any one ask Riyaale ? Biayi thanbin qutilat??]

When at last that community came back and defeated Siyad Barre, they started the real work. They farm, they built, but that was the problem again! Some one doesn?t want these people to work in their land and live peacefully there!
The Ceelbardaale community was denied to farm and feed their children and to live in peace, because of the calculated and continuous Riyaale driven Dila militia ambushes and attacks.

Dila community single handedly and arrogantly rebuffed and abrogated the arbitration of the house of the Guurti committee, which both parties agreed and signed to abide the ruling and the arbitration the Guurti reached. Riyaale also agreed to sign and put in effect of such judgement the committee of the Guurti reached
Both Riyaale and his clan rejected what they have promised before, for political reasons! Or worst still, for de-stabilizing Somaliland as to ?Somaliaize? her in the end!

Ceelbardaale Community is with no flattering, noble people.

There are one great people (society) alone on earth. The noble living and the noble dead!
They are those who forgive when they are strong and when they are wronged, and if they don?t forgive, they don?t over do it.
Those who strain them selves and never transcend the bounds of proportionality, but better still forgive. That is Godly. Those are the Ceelbardaale community along with the larger community who fought against the wrong done to them by Siyad Barre? regime and collaborators, then forgive!
They sacrificed, died for the cause but in the end defeated the enemy and their collaborators! The collaborated community inflicted unseen damage on the victims- the Ceelbardaale community! Those who inflicted the damage in human, in the hundreds and material, in the millions of dollars are none other than the ?Dila? militia, Siyad Barre used then and Riyaale is using them now for political ends!

Ceelbardaale community said, ? it is not time for restitution and revenge, it is time for forgiveness and conflict resolution. Now they are subject to fight an imposed war on them by Riyaale and Dila clan for political purposes!

A little hateful incitement, a little nonsense by way of this and that for the perpetrators, now and then is relished by the worst of men. The hate traders, the ingratitude, the ungrateful, the cabals and the goons of Riyaale of no morality and no nobility reflecting Riyaale?s instinct of un-remedied hate otherwise idiocy of no bounds are ringing the clannish war against those who forgave and licking their wounds!

Our brothers in Borama are diverse in opinion and judgement like any other community in Somaliland. They are not monolithic in wrong doings. They are noble people. Like any other community, they have Riyaale and likes; they have the good they have the bad!
For all to understand, it is a known secret that both the culprits of five men ambushed and murdered in their homes in a prayer ceremony in Ceelbardaale and the four innocent travelers killed in the road between Kalabaydh and Borama are known to Riyaale and his NSS apparatus, thus he is responsible of this and other killings, but no body talked about this! Gutlessness is out spread in Somaliland!

The communities in question are victims of satanic underhand

Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them, and said, ? no one among men can over come you this, while I am near to you? but when the two forces come in sight of each other, he turned on his heels, and said, ? lo I am clear of you; lo! I see what you see not lo! I fear Allah, for Allah is strict in punishment? [Al anfaal]
Leaders of evil wash their hands of their flowers and leave them in the lurch! They see more clearly than their dupes-victims of deception! They are not simpletons. They know the consequences and precisely that is why they are doing what they are doing there in ? Ceelbardale and Dila conflict!

In the end, Awil will end up in Nairobi, Kenya.
Xaabsade may go back to Bosaso or else where
Ina Riyaale already moved to France. And who are left in the lurch? The poor fighting communities of Dila and Ceelbardaale!

The solution, the way I see it:

Let both the brotherly communities grow and pronounce this:
? Nacoodo Billahi Mina Shaydani Alrageem, Mim Riyaale wa acwaanuho. Refuge to Allah from the hated Satan, from Riyaale and his hoodlums. From his evil intentions? then lay down the weapons and talk with out the new convert from Bosaso Mr.Habsadi telling you what to do and what not to do!

With out any other hypocrite inciting you to destroy your country, start plowing the land, tilting the soil and growing food for your children and community side by side! Feed your children and refrain to kill or be killed! Refuse to be a political borne for Riyaale or any one else.

This may be difficult for one community or the other, but I see it the right thing to do. These simple steps may seem simple to some. This is going back to spiritual world. To the Godly world, free of Satins, of Riyaals and the enemies of our land, and that is not simple!
The said brotherly communities will remain where they are now until Allah reclaims his land in the Day of Judgment. Let us not be political borne to a small-minded group of evildoers! Riyaale and flock and their hoodlums!

?You can fool some of the people all of the time!
And all of the people, some of the time!
But you can not fool all of the people all of the time?

Riyaale and flock?s lies hit bottom
Riyaale and flock?s evil doings is apparent, at least to some of the people
Now they are holding the end of the stick! It is a matter of time when they and their deceit and deception will vanish and weather away! They are heading hell.

?Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide in the strife of truth, of courage and of gutsy, for the good of all, then there is no force to turn them back?.
Save Somaliland from the predators heading by the twin demons of evil, Riyaale and Awil and the new comer Xaabsadi and who ever else who may dare to do that.

Gabiley and Borama communities are victims of political fiasco decided and initiated from Riyaale?s house of evilly, in Hargeisa!

One lost of live is too many as far as I am concerned
Riyaale was never there in Dila and he will not be there for he already moved to France! It is the communities, Ceelbardaale and Dila who will remain there until the owner raps the earth up, until the end of the world! They will be there together, thus they have to figure out a way to live-and-let live!
Some people are trying to open old wounds for political reasons! The said two communities must come to their sense and rebel the gravediggers and political traders as well as the sick and the poisonous!

?No man of women born, coward or brave, fool or smart can shun his destiny.? The two brotherly communities cannot shun their destiny. They are destined to be there, where they are now. They will live side by side or together and forever. The said communities better understand that. They also must understand Riyaale and associates have created and fueled this problem further, using this incident to cover their treasonous acts and doings against Somaliland! To cover their evil intentions for Somaliland!
To cover this they have to create a diversion issue like ?Ceelbardaale? and many ?Ceelbardaales? to come if we don?t tell the guy the truth- that he can?t demean and destroy this Somaliland any more! ?Enough what you have done to this country and it?s people? one must dare to say. The end belongs to the people, and to the righteous.

However peace
Ibrahim Mead
Political Analyst

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