Riyaale`s War Of Attrition:-
The dictatorial regime of president Riyaale is kindling tension that could.
Rapidly reach flash-point.
The political situation is worsening steadily and there is a real threat of war. These clandestine plots carried out by Riyaale and his hench-men became an acute problem to the peace loving nation of Somaliland.
The objective of this conspiracy is apparent to all,
Which is to distract attention in order to make the presence of mind off and loom the prospect of war on the horizon.
If the country be at war, none will be beneficiary on such targets and certainly , the whole affair will end in tragedy then the loss will be to all concerned.
It should also be borne in mind that the exchange of views is a resource full principle it is the means facilitating to accomplish consultative methods,
Which may generate well- grounded and prevailing opinions, characterized with the highest standards of performance and its effective manner rationalizes the value of human expression.
Like ?wise, mental activities succeed to produce unshakable ideas capable of ceasing any transpired calamity.
We are in a grave need to achieve a fair administration on the basis of competence and fitness.
It is quite necessary to set-up a nation-wide integrated highly spirited free thinkers possessing a broad scope capacity representing from the different communities of Somaliland as a structural whole.
There fore, we the grass-roots must organize congregational meetings which is an important forum for political debates.
So that, I would like to appeal to the public not to remain indifferent to be more united to conduct an effective well-planned back-lash against the government of Riyaale.
The opposition parties and the people together should mount strong challenge to the president and his associate members and continue to organize peace full protests until the president be finally forced to capitulate to the people?s demands.
We are facing a major problem which requires an urgent attention.
The country is in difficult and uncertain situation, the people is thoroughly confused because, the country was torn previously by civil strife, the people have remarkable experience about war and there is no need of further blood-shed.
In the wake up of Somaliland political crisis any remedial action aiming at solving a problem will be help full.
The solution to the problem must not be sought else-where,
Because, we have various methods of solving problems by finding practical ways of dealing with them learned from past experience.
The nation?s prime concern is ?Peace? because in all walks of life it is the basic frame-work on which the people lay high valuation, we have a moral obligation to protect this common interest as an over-all responsibility.
Any one who intends to violate the peaceful policy of Somaliland the people must hasten to suppress all attempts of such a nature.
As long as peace is the focal point of Somaliland people it is the duty of every citizen to show a moderate stance to settle the differences through negotiations.
We are all subjected to contribute an ultimate degree of patience.
These efforts sound reasonable to be taken as preventive measures to avoid possible violence.
Such constructively motivated deeds in the interest of peace became a crafty mechanism averting all destructive phenomena like armed conflicts in Somaliland.
The reflection of Somaliland community spirit is an exemplary conduct; their creative thoughts saved the legimate rights of every Somalilander.
On their own initiatives they have ful filled their national commitments,
Through missions of complex problems and their dynamic efforts is the living force beyond the to-day?s harmonious life in Somaliland. These achievements are something to be proud of they are full of praise in which we ever express our thanks to them for all they have done.
It is fascinating to see how different people approach to the problems, but, only fit people are better able to cope with stress.
In the following piece of writing here is a brief account of the distinctive characteristics of Somaliland people;-
Self-discipline, civility respect and honor are the symbolic qualities or their cultural ways of life.
The iron decision of the Somaliland people continue to show a great strength of will. Their pride would not allow to be humble enough to accept humility and temptation, because none of these qualities is of their virtues.
They would not give up easily to follow some body like a sub missive child.
They are always guided by their genuine prestige.
Patience is an invaluable asset for them, but, the capacity of their hospitable feeling is limited and become un approachable at all in some extremes if arrogance and transgression go beyond the bounds of decency.
I would like to launch a bitter dia-tribe against Riyaale.
Firstly, your presidential mandate has no legal force, because, you was not chosen by common consent, but you became fortunate enough to be a president by chance.
More ?over in political hierarchy you was treated as a highly rated man by the people which you not actually belonging to it.
Let me Mr. President to ask you the question below this line:-
What have you done to deserve to be the president of this nation ????????????.
The following points are a clear manifestation of great political mischief of Riyaale;-
1) His consistent failure to come up with any new policy and often repeating the same mistakes with out a good working relation ship with the people.
2) A growing increase of public political aware ness is a clear evidence of how the people are dis appointed with Riyaale,
And there is a groud swell of opinion that he should step-down.
3) Private expropriation and sale of public prosperities, mass un employment, accusation of corruption and financial miss management.
4) It would be improper for Riyaale to take highly subjective ideas and remain stead fast in his determination to be a leader who rules by decree and misuses power for his own end.
5) Riyaale`s recent comments rejecting the approval of the formal statement passed by the parliament a motion which has been under debate on electoral register.
He has also refused to accept the out lined proposals of the opposition parties.
These indications are deliberate acts of dictatorship.
6) The government took hard line and revoked all election dead -lines with out setting on a date of schedule for free elections to be held which has been postponed several times.
7) Despite of prolonged discussions all negotiations reached dead-lock due to the Riyaal`s devil-may-care attitude to peace.
8) His increasing political difficult forced him to take desperate measures.
9) He has strong desire for power, never delivered his promises, and no rational president would ever behave like Riyaale.
10) Takes care-free attitude about how dangerous a situation might be to caution him-self against will full decisions.
11) In foreign policy no attempts have been made to restore good relations with the rest of the world the country remained diplomatically I solated and lacks international effective representation with out a formal recognition as a sovereign state.
12) The country?s current economic climate is in down ?turn for several reasons;-
A) Imposed restrictions on trade and commercial activities
B) Ban on the export of livestock and tightened import control.
C) Tax increase on goods and services.
D) The once busy country?s major sea port Berbera is in terminal-decline with no immediate prospect of change these reasons forced many local-traders to use Bosaso port where as they are being charged with low tax rates.
13) All tax revenue and humanitarian aid packages go under the direct control of Riyaale.
14) There is an economically deprived back ground on infra structure and no institutional development, even one single road was not repaired no power-stations schools etc
In our material world it is most common the people in authority become very involved leaders corrupted by power and ambition with a burning sense of injustice.
I would go even further and suggest that the entire governments in the whole world are corrupt. In the third world the picture is very different when president who is thirsty for power takes office his first priority is to be fabulously wealthy.
Unfortunately, Riyaale is one of those who misled the nation and still holding positions of responsibility enveloping their pre_occupied contemplations of materialistic desires and self_centredness with false pledges against their own people.
If the citizens give formal acceptance to such notorious criminals who only know the art of corruption, it will result regretful consequences and the civilians will ever be the victims.
the Council Of Elders Of Somaliland
Golaha Guurtida Somaliland
The initial decision of the formation of two legislature chambers to be a country of bi-cameral system was disastrous in political terms. Because, it has been constituted with out by an act of parliament or other main constitutional organizations, we must pay particular attention to this point which seems to be inimical to the interest of our society.
Unless, a new constitutional amendment is enforced.
There is strong public deviance to be generally accepted, except a tiny minority of different view.
But, the commonly held opinion favours to match the country as a uni-cameral of one main governing body.
In my point of view it seems to me unfair to make the president the scape-goat, But, as a matter of a fact the council of elders are blame-worthy and much worse than him.
The council of elders are the corridors of power, this inner-circle body of mainly.
Die-hard septua generians opposes all reforms to safe-guard only their interests.
There are documents revealing great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency and immense amount of bad work they have done.
Their heed less errors is the contributing factor of the current political crisis.
They do not deserve to rise to such an exalted position and not fit to have this status,.
In all strands of political opinions they are branded as liars and cheaters.
This council is disqualified and unable to under-take their duties and it should be disbanded formally when the opportunity becomes suitable to do that. Further measures should be taken to get rid of them, and Iam quite confident that this proposal receives a wide-spread support through out the country.
The council of elders and the commission are inconsiderate betrayers. Their courses of action run counter to all reached agreements due to
their collaboration with the government which aroused considerable alarm.
In their respective roles they are unable to direct their official duties fairly. They create serious problems causing to have a lot of work a head and never succeeded to steer a course between in compatible interests.
I should be brave enough to tell you, what the people think of you!
You are the most extreme example of disapproval the people have ever seen. You are men whose actions motivated by greed.
The people are bitterly disappointed in you of your tendency of material value. There is a vast amount of information displaying that Riyaale bribed you with huge amount of money, because the humble pursuit of money ruled your lives.
I do not mean each individual member of you is not honest, a among you are men of honor with high moral standards protecting the noble cause of our nation, But, few of you have these qualities.
What is the meaning of Responsibility?
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility to define the literal sense of the word responsibility.
But, what is widely mis under stood and abused by individuals or even nations is the enlightenment of the word.
I ask my self very often and more frequently questions like, is it too great for human mind to comprehend the absolute sense of the word?
Is it difficult to give a more precise definition of the word or provide enough explanation?
And why it is un-accountable only on practical terms?
To give a concise definition of the word, it is a duty to deal with and take care of it.
If there is a need to go to extra length to explain it, I would let the readers to digest and leave it up to the people of So much intellect to use their diversities of opinions.
We have many men who can lead us better among them are:-
Mr:- Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (silaanyo).
Amain ? stay freedom fighter and a man of great fanatical patriotism.
Mr Ahmed is one of the founder fathers of Somaliland.
This canny politician and quick-witted man, is a high profile performer who has previously held purely honorary government posts.
A man of iminent good sense with knowledge and experience who bases his actions in fair judgment.
He is famous of having a mature and responsible attitude to work.
He has a potential to become the next president of Somaliland.
With my total sincerity I would like to thank the people of Burao for their peace full demonstration at which they marched in support of their brothers and sisters in Hargeisa to express their condolence to those killed by Riyaale`s police who were authorized to shoot at will and died for the noble cause of Somaliland, hoping our injured brothers for full and quick recovery.
In Hargeisa where ever there is a public rally or hordes of people no demonstration passed off with out shooting incident.
I would like to conclude my article to give a piece of advice to Riyaale in this column.
You found it extremely difficult to improve performance and be a committed head of state.
You have been of guilty-selfishness and your work was in eclipse through out your presidential term.
It is you who ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead, and attracted strong adverse criticism.
You was not on friendly terms with your people, we felt frustrated at your unilateral decisions based on evil advisory capacity.
We have made sincere attempts to resolve the problems, but, all our proposals had perished in the face of your reckless disreguard.
Now we are not in need to appeal to your sense of justice, and no body wants to assume you have just made a mistake, because, it is not the right time for apology.
Please scan your case-study to confess the problem exists only in your head.
You are not at the height of your power, come and get us if you think you are hard enough.
So that you have to accept your defeat with resignation, and by the will of the people you are threatened to leave.
Impeachment is also a viable option, or go into excile and seek in vain some where else to shelter and let the people wave you good bye???.
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