17 September, 2009

Five Americans beaten up in Ogaden Ethiopia

Five Americans beaten up in Ogaden Ethiopia

Five Americans were arrested and beaten up in Ethiopia trying to contact the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) military leaders in the region, the ION reported this week.

The Americans illegally and secretly entered eastern Ethiopia thru Djibouti and they pretended to work for an NGO as a cover but the Ethiopian government immediately picked them up and one of them still remains in prison, according to the report.

The ONLF and the Ethiopian government have been engaged in a low-level conflict that intensified in 2007 after the rebels killed 74 Ethiopian and Chinese Oil field workers. The report said the US Assistant Secretary of S
tate for African Affairs Johnie Carson is trying to persuade Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government to release the remaining American

jimma times

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