18 August, 2009

Somaliland president replaces three cabinet members of the same clan

Somaliland president replaces defense minister and another two

HARGEISA- Samotalis-  The president  of Somaliland has reshuffled his Cabinet in a surprise move less than two months ahead of the anticipated presidential election,  threee cabinet ministers lost their portfolios, all belong to the clan of the strong opposition leader Mr. Ahmed Silanyo of Kulmiye. This is seen in Somaliland as tribal card used for personal political purpose. Strangely enough all nominees for replacement hail from the same clan. President Riyale use tribal card so often whenever there is a political crisis. It is short term survival technique, but rarely brings any gain from the target clan.

Somaliland President Dahir Riyale's new Cabinet reshuffle saw the ministers of defense and industry leave. Mr. Saleban Warsame Guled replaced Mr. Abdullahi Ali Ibrahim as Somaliland's minister of defense. Mr. Hassan "Mo'allim" Ahmed, the acting minister of the presidency, has been officially appointed as the permanent minister of the presidency. The former minister of industry, Mr. Mohamed Saleban Mohamed, has been replaced by Mr. Ahmed Ali "Ubahle." The former state minister of minerals and water, Mr. Jama Abdullahi "Haybe," has been replaced by the new state minister, Mr. Muse Abdi Mohamud.

Somaliland's president is locked in a political crisis with opposition parties who have threatened to boycott the presidential election, which President Riyale says will be held on time on September 27.. With pressure from International community, there is a sign of retreat from the government, sending different messages through tribal chieftains, and close cabinet members.

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