14 August, 2009

“Somaliland” is in need for a change!

Africa's best-kept secret "Somaliland" is in need for a change!

 Peace is the only priceless jewel invested and deposited in the hearts and minds of Somaliland people; it is the biggest jackpot that the nation ever won all at once; it is the national treasury that the entire people young/old guards with love and passion every moment in their life.

However__ any external annihilation or internal implosion at the cost of this priceless living system would never ever be accepted from anyone at all, Udub, Ucid or Kulmiye. Somaliland is by the people; for the people, and her generations would not pay any price or bear any burden that its politicians may dictate. It really needs a change in many aspects, politically, economically, socially etc. President Rayale must believe in that this change is imminent, must and irreversible. It is a great saying__ the true visionary is one who thinks about tomorrow in an intelligent imaginative manner. Using the same metaphor, if Udub cannot predict about the impact of this standoff on the country at large, what they have in a store for us!

The fresh political dispute on Somaliland Election Process has sparked a wide range of anger, anxiety, and insecurity after the news came that the president__ fulfilling a so-called plea by the Somaliland National Electoral Commission (SNEC) has apparently expelled the donor-organisation (Inter-peace) from the country and accordingly nullified the long awaited results of the national voters' registration list.

This has invited a strong expostulation from the two chairpersons of the two houses together with the opposition political parties (Ucid and Kulmiye), but Mr. Rayale has opted to remain extremely deviant about their collective objections and disgustingly uttered not only unwise but undiplomatic provocative words that could possibly create political frictions between him and the other two opposition parties. Rayale's harsh words depict how Africa's malignant power-hunger virus (dictatorship) has metastasised into his body. In today's situation, we can understand that Somaliland known as "Africa's best kept secret" is in an intense need for rescue operation from its leadership.

By not rhapsodizing, Ucid and Kulmiye have taken together the best way this toddler country would survive and insisted not to accept taking a part in elections without concurrent voter registration. The revealed number of the ultimate voters' list by the SNEC, although not correct__ perhaps, this may make the election process a lot more credible and transparent. Without shadow of doubt, lack of transparency and clarity is what moves forward Rayale's political vehicle and this is the reason behind fighting for that.

Seven years under Rayale's authority__ Somaliland has experienced unprecedented levels of corruption, economic destructions, scarcity of clean water and prolonged droughts etc, which is why the people no longer have stomach for Rayale as commander in chief. The corruptive hand of the government in the SNEC is not new but was since its inception and this failure is the outcome of a pre-planned conspiracy between Mr. Rayale and those at the helm in Somaliland National Electoral Commission body.

It is obviously very tough to get one's faith unless you know about his/her actions in regard with his/her vast experience__ Mr. Rayale's experience as an intelligence agent earned him to political strangulations by his bare hands as shown below.

A quick glance at Rayale's bad governance:

* Rayale's experience is the hurdle for good governance; causes him to omissions and accordingly became detached from many key co-working government bodies. It is also the stumbling block to any dialogue between him and the apostates.

* His Power-hunger psychodrama coupled with low self-esteem is what took the determination of this nation to an uncertainty and isolationism.

* Obstructionism based political system has yielded numerous filibusterers in both the houses whose job are to serve him adopt illegitimate incrementalism and systematic term extensions.

* Bureaucracy and red-tapism are severely disturbing, as many of his portfolios minsters are day and night 24/7 budget vampires who uses their assigned positions as a one-stop shop service.

* Many of his ex-intelligence service mates are his political gamesmanships, national security advisers etc, whose job are to imprison and impose a state of emergency law even if the smallest issue arises.

* His Paternalistic policy keeps the market bullish by brokering clan political ideologies through political neophytes such as, clan sultans, sub-clan chiefs and many other notorious clan mongers.

Where there is a will there is a way__ if Mr. Rayale has an inclination to take this nation back to the future, he must abide by the 4-point resolutions adopted by the parliament. He must reverse his decision on what this people spent much of their time, money and energy; re-instate the expelled organisation (inter-peace) to accomplish their job. Udub as a party must convince him to nullify his decision rather than the registration list. Somaliland National Electoral Commission (SNEC) must also be back to what they have taken the oath, must consult with Somaliland electoral-technocrats worldwide together with the donor organisation and re-correct what has gone wrong to the best interest of the people rather than their differences between them and inter-peace.

Finally, I would like to conclude my article with two words: One to the President and the other to the people. Mr. President__ you must value the security, life and wealth of the millions of people at home, as you are usually obsessed with yours. The reason behind retractable barricades sealed-off around your mansion gates after Oct-29 terrorist attempt on your life was not to control the traffic whizzing around, but for your security reinforcement. Moreover, the national constitution is not a small dog-eared notebook of a schoolchild but rather the country's under recognition and democratic highway. Iron feast is not the best way to govern people but the worst to suppress them, and it could take the whole country back to square one.

To my people at large__ the only thing marketable we have in hand is "peace" which needs an attractive packaging with an expensive price tag and a meaningful label. We must abstain from anything that could lead us to belligerence or turmoil. We must know that the beauty over our country was not found on the fact that, president Rayale is in the office, but through our collective efforts, harmony and brother-hood. Let the world know about what binds us together is much greater than what drives us apart. If peace is so packed, priced and safeguarded, we can create for it a special political zone in the international political arenas and of course can break the ice within no time inshaa ALLAAH.

Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar

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