19 August, 2009

Protest Letter to Mr. Rayaale and his cronies

Protest Letter to Mr. Rayaale and his cronies

On behalf of the poor people of Somaliland, I send you this protest letter. We are angry. Yes we the people are very angry. We have endured your ill conceived, hash and austere economic and social policies for quite too long. We have watched silently to see you and your cronies enjoy while we the masses continue to suffer. We have no jobs, no incomes, no savings and have no place to lay our heads while you and your selected few live in mansions at the expense of the very poor you are refusing to take care of. You have consistently ignored all our cry for help even though you know our plights very well.

Are you not appalled by the scale of poverty and the living conditions of the people? Are you not appalled to see children selling on the streets instead of being in the classroom? Are you not appalled to see children sleeping rough on the streets of our capital city and scavenging for food while you and your cronies frequent between five star hotels? Don't you care about the dignity of the people you claim to be serving? For years you have asked us to sacrifice and even today we are still sacrificing, but anytime we look at you and your circle of friends we see that you are in a different suit, in a different four wheel drive, in a different hotel, and in a company of ladies, surrounded by bodyguards. How many more years should we continue to sacrifice and tighten our belts why you and your cronies enjoy from our sweat? We cannot continue any longer. No we cannot.

We are tired of all of you who call yourself leaders of the people. We are tired of the dictatorships, media censorship, torture, force imprisonment, wars and the tribalism. We are tired of being refugees. We are tired of seeing our children die of common preventable diseases. We are tired of sharing water from the same source with animals, water infested with bacteria and viruses. We are tired of lack of access to education, health, energy, food, medicines, shelter and clothing. We are tired of having to endure poverty, starvation, diseases, humiliation, torture, oppression, in your very hands.

Above all, we are tired of your excesses. We are tired of your greediness and your corrupt practices and the looting of the treasuries. Your foreign bank accounts are swollen with hundreds of millions of dollars, pounds and Euros while hundreds of thousands of people in Somaliland live on less than half a dollar a day.

We are tired of you using our money to procure arms for your own protection while children go to school barefooted and on empty stomach; while hospitals are without essential medicines; while schools are without fundamental facilities; and while hundreds of thousands of Somalilanders are isolated in the remote areas for lack of good roads. We are tired of your tribal politics and the use of tribalism to divide the people. We are tired of all your inactions, the wait and see and the do nothing approaches to problem solving.

There are many of you that we have not chosen or asked to lead us yet are carrying themselves as our leaders. Such people we demand should retire and allow elections to take place immediately. We demand an end to the official corruption and an end to the eroding of democratic values in Somaliland.

We demand better public services now. We demand better education, health, sanitation, transport and telecommunication infrastructures now. We demand affordable housing now. We demand irrigation facilities, tractors, equipment and improved seeds for our farmers now. You've asked us to tighten our belts while you have loosened yours. This cannot go on any more. We are starving to death while you are developing protruding bellies.

We demand a say in the way your governments are run; a say in the way you and your ministers are selected. We demand a say in the way you spend our money; and a say in the way contracts are awarded. It is not going to be business as usual anymore. We demand change now. We demand probity and accountability now. We demand political action to solve the numerous problems facing we the people.

Mr. Rayaale you already illustrated how ungrateful you are to Somaliland.

Aren't you ashamed that after seven years in power at least for one day you didn't act like a leader and talk like a leader. Aren't you ashamed that after all these years of independence your people cannot feed themselves; cannot read and write; rely on handouts from Europe and America; and the youth are in a hurry to leave the country for you out of frustration, hopelessness? Can't you see?

Well, a word to the wise is enough but remember that you can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. We are watching.

By: Abdisamad Ali Awaleh



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