28 August, 2009

Our own three wise men

Our own three wise men

Our three wise men!
Warning: this is not about Christianity or the Christ and no attempt of converting you is hidden here. The three wise men is a biblical story about 3 Kings (Magi) from the East who are said to have visited Jesus (Nabi Ciise) after his birth. My story, although it borrows analogy from this old Christian Tradition, is about our own 3 wise men. But to appreciate my analogy, and I hope you will, let me tell you a little more about this biblical story.
When the three Magi, the story goes, were presented to baby Christ, "the youngest of three adored him first, and it appeared to him that Christ was of his stature and age. The middle one came next, and then the eldest, and to each he seemed to be of their own stature and age. Having compared their observations together, they agreed to go all to worship at once, and then he appeared to them all of his true age".
When they went away, and this is the part I like best, "the infant gave them a closed box, which they carried with them for many days. …. .. They opened the box and found in it a stone, which was intended for a sign that they should remain firm as a stone in the faith they had received from him".
Now, our three "wise men" and the house they represent are men who remain firm in their faith (read: support) for the man in the big house as long as the contents of the box they regularly receive from him remains to be in the order of their liking: both in kind and quantity. This is not news to anyone. But the comedy I am trying to draw your attention to is the mediation role which these men assumed for themselves recently. Even funnier is the fact that Abdi Waraabe, who in his old age, seems to have forgotten all other words in the language, except for "Obey the President, Obey the President, is said to be the chairman of the Guurti's mediation committee.
Abdillahi Geeljire (Illaahay Cimrigiisa iyo Caafimaadkiisaba ha dheereeye eh) recently titled one of his famous Dialoges (Dubbe iyo Dolaal): "Guurtidu waa dhexdhexaad. Waar ha iga qoslin".
The so-called Mediation Committee which the Guurti has setup is not only a comedy of grand stature, but also a scorn and an insult to the peoples' intelligence. Don't tire yourselves gentlemen. The people had for a long time ago lost faith in you. As far as we (read: the people of Somaliland) are concerned you are part of the problem. Not the 

Ahmed H Nur

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