20 August, 2009

No last Hurrah for Mr Rayale and his clowns! No way

No last Hurrah for Mr Rayale and his clowns! No way

I can only rejoice at the news that Somaliland parliament passed a four-point motion calling for the immediate eviction of the president from office if he fails to hold the presidential election by 27 September and does suspend the voter registration list.I'm someone who had became disillusioned by the president little ability to deliver free and fair elections and think that this nation deserve better. They are more than entitled to free and fair election and not hold their breath!Turning a blind eye on Mr Rayale and his leadership not only robs a noble and courageous people of its integrities but also of its aspirations.Seven years ago, somalilanders went to the poll and pronounced Mr Riyale as their president.On the 27th september, they returning again to the polls.This time, however , deep cynicism and a cloud of hopelessness surround the electoral mood brought on by the fact that this government failed to deliver on its promises, even after two illegits extensions.

What did he and his government accomplish after seven years at the helm of the country??? In short, few of us can point to substantive changes for the better.The incumbent leader presided over a failed presidency and his public approval ratings are only subjects to bribes and others concepts of the same sorts! And to a crucial degree ,the paradox of Mr Rayale's past activity  is that he has been required to spend so much of it confounding his many doubters!Our health and well-being is on a bad state and have slipped in the past seven years.Somaliland is still with an economy defined by its dependency from their diaspora abroad.Corruption and ethnics affiliation embedded in an patronage system contribute to a political cynicism. Like any other state institutions, the justice administration is weak, corrupt and open to outside interference. The NEC( national electoral commission) is not stranger to political connections and interferences by the current administration too! While our nation are aware of the significance of this presidential election, this government misses the point! This election should be the most potent symbol of Somaliland as a success story and consequently the gain of the international community's support and recognition as a country.However, with Somaliland parliament threats and support for the opposition eroding his traditional support base , they will find themselves struggling to secure an outright win. As election draws near, the voter registration list suspension is interpreted by an attempt to fraud the process of vote. Such allegations of fraud will cloud the credibility of this election and fuell threats of mass demonstration this time around! Charges of vote rigging have emerged against supporters of the president and the assumptions of His transport minister of expanding his tenure beyond the constitutional two terms are of  particular concern to Somaliland and to the international community. What about Mr Rayale's reactions??? None. Instead of telling to such advocate to "banish these thoughts from your Mind", he choose to be no avail. Such a lack of imagination will leave him far from suited to the helm of the country again!It's becoming the latest trait of african leaders these days! Think about Mr ismail Guelle or Mamadou tanja of Niger, Paul Biya from Cameroon and many more…! Revising the constitution for personal gain is a cardinal sins,the idea is "big with the greatest mischiefs that can befall any Country." We should not tolerate such ideas let alone entertain them!

To preserve our integrities, freedoms, and most  importantly our infant democracy,we must return to the ideology upon which our constitution  was founded, and we must demand that our elected leaders adhere to those ideals! Rayale has used his presidentials powers for all the wrong reasons!Decrees after decrees!How on earth one can explain his numerous extensions of term of office if not unconstitutional and unfair but also contrary to our so called 'Africa best kept secret' superlative among others. The culprits are the guurtis and their advocate .Let's not forget about their heroics. They did the greatest job in helping the country stand on their feet when needed the most after the tumbling of the dictatorial regime. But for the past couple years, they let their country and their people down.The irony will be that Mr Rayale has grown 'bigger'and 'larger' in 'standing' and manipulations since his last extension and has the audacity to deny that the 'guurti' or the parliament has the power to impeach him. His immediat reaction to the parliamentary motion by rejecting it as unconstitutional is proof of his new false stature! No individual is bigger than the constitution  that's the very reason i believe we should see the back of the current president and lay the ground for a leader who possesses the courage, enthusiasm, passion and above all the wisdom and intelligence to rally our people and save the country!  

Corruption is rife and and should NOT be the price we pay for our stability and democracy. Mr Rayale and his administration has of late become a threat to democracy and human rights . It has curbed media freedom and has increased his attempt to oppose ethnics and communities to doom the country to remain mired in a medieval tribal mind set, Instead of encouraging and committing to create a transparency in government.

Were are we now after 18 years since we restablish and proclaimed ourself As Somaliland??? Our quest is stalling and quietly dying. We need to ask ourself why are we being continually overlooked and the world are holding back our independence from somalia? i think there is still some doubt and not enough good governance from ourself !I also think that we lack the people to promote our independence!!! Somaliland need Salesmen and alike to push through weather. If you want to sell something(products or services), people will not know unless it becomes known. And for it to be known, you have to bring it to potential customers and tell them!!! This administration have NOT the utmost faith in seeking and displaying our autonomy and freedom from Somalia.They are not organized ,disciplined and clearly seem too content with a trip or two to the world!!! Seeking recognition does not come by osmosis, creeping into our heads during our sleeping hours without any effort on our parts. We need a new systematic approach to be heard and believed.Seeking our recognition calls for zeal, devotion and perseverance! Sometimes, i can't help but wonder their true motives! This faction of crooked puppets have already scoff enough money to live out the balance of their lives in luxurious idleness, while the daily routine of struggling for the next meal for the vast majority of our people has not likely change much!!! They are not interested in our quest, simple as that, we are just flogging dead horses!

Unfortunately, all the news emanating from the press or media are not very encouraging so therefore a change is needed and without delay!

Since our political spectrum revolves around UDUB, UCID and KULMIYE, right now i believe our interest will be best served by Mr Silanyo! the freedom fighter and lover of wisdom!

Living from outside the country, i feel frustrated and the furure is not giving any hope and confidence in the wake of this coming election if the incumbent governement is renewed. His empty slogans and hollow government rhetorics leave our nation anticipating widespread fraud ( the only way he and his gov to be re-elected)

I want to end my topic with this: all the Bloods which has been spilt, and all the expenses that has been incurred, and all the distresses which have been felt, will avail in nothing if Mr rayale and his clowns are allowed to be Reinstated!!! A new enthusiastic leader and committed to the cause of somaliland will help tremendously the country and the people of somaliland. It will help, too, that the political manipulations and manoeuvrings behind the scenes that had proved so unsettling in the past couple of years, orchestrated  by this current government ,should be a thing of the past and not tolerated anymore. Wake up somaliland!

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber". by Plato.  

Amin Ali

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